(使用 Excel 365 企业版)我定期创建堆积柱形图,其中的系列是从固定的类别列表中绘制的,并且每个类别必须具有特定的(外部定义的)颜色。
对于每个图表,数据需要按流行程度排序,因此有时给定的类别可能显示为系列 1,有时显示为系列 12,依此类推。将新数据粘贴到现有工作表/图表中意味着颜色和类别不匹配。以前,我为每个新图表手动设置每个系列填充(自定义 RGB 值),但我希望效率更高。
我有一个 VBA 宏,可以根据保存数据的单元格的填充颜色设置图表系列颜色(我的数据单元格确实使用了正确的颜色,如下图所示):
'Source https://www.get-digital-help.com/format-fill-color-on-a-column-chart-based-on-cell-color/#bar
'Name macro
Sub ColorChartBarsbyCellColor()
'Dimension variables and declare data types
Dim txt As String, i As Integer
'Save the number of chart series to variable c
c = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
'Iterate through chart series
For i = 1 To c
'Save seriescollection formula to variable txt
txt = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(i).Formula
'Split string save d to txt using a comma ","
arr = Split(txt, ",")
'The With ... End With statement allows you to write shorter code by referring to an object only once instead of using it with each property.
With ActiveChart.Legend.LegendEntries(i)
'The SET statement allows you to save an object reference to a variable, the image above demonstrates a macro that assigns a range reference to a range object.
'Save a range object based on variable arr to variable vAdress
Set vAddress = ActiveSheet.Range(arr(2))
'Copy cell color from cell and use it to color bar chart
.LegendKey.Interior.Color = ThisWorkbook.Colors(vAddress.Cells(1).Interior.ColorIndex)
End With
'Continue with next series
Next i
End Sub
其他人对 VBA 的源代码页面发表了评论,并且作者确实提供了进一步的代码来解决这个问题,但是对于那些(一年多前)询问如何使其与原始宏一起工作的人,却没有做出任何回应。
'Source https://www.get-digital-help.com/format-fill-color-on-a-column-chart-based-on-cell-color/#comment-430898
Sub ColorChartColumnsbyCellColor()
With Sheets("Color chart columns").ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
Set vAddress = ActiveSheet.Range(Split(Split(.Formula, ",")(1), "!")(1))
For i = 1 To vAddress.Cells.Count
CS = ThisWorkbook.Colors(vAddress.Cells(i).Interior.ColorIndex)
R = CS Mod 256
G = CS \ 256 Mod 256
B = CS \ 65536 Mod 256
.Points(i).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(R, G, B)
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub ColorChartBarsbyCellColor()
Dim nSrs As Long
nSrs = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
'Iterate through chart series
Dim iSrs As Long
For iSrs = 1 To nSrs
'Get series formula
Dim sFmla As String
sFmla = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(iSrs).Formula
'Split series formula at commas "," to create array
Dim vFmla As Variant
vFmla = Split(sFmla, ",")
' Find Y value range
Dim rYValues As Range
Set rYValues = Range(vFmla(2))
'The With ... End With statement allows you to write shorter code by referring to an object only once instead of using it with each property.
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(iSrs)
'Copy cell color from cell and use it to color bar chart
.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rYValues.Interior.Color
End With
Next iSrs
End Sub