未知磁盘,未初始化修复数据错误循环冗余校验 CRC 硬盘错误

未知磁盘,未初始化修复数据错误循环冗余校验 CRC 硬盘错误

我尝试在我的 PC 中添加旧硬盘。

  1. 首先尝试SATA 电缆
  2. 第二次尝试USB 转 SATA 线

在两者中,硬盘状态为not initialized且类型为unknown 未知磁盘未初始化修复数据



我尝试使用 CMD 命令逐步执行以下命令:


Microsoft DiskPart version 10.0.18362.1533

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: AMIRNBA9

DISKPART> list disk

  Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
  --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
  Disk 0    Online          238 GB      0 B
  Disk 1    Online          931 GB      0 B
  Disk 2    Online          931 GB   931 GB

DISKPART> Select disk 2

Disk 2 is now the selected disk.


DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk.

DISKPART> create partion primary

Microsoft DiskPart version 10.0.18362.1533

PARTITION   - Create a partition.
VOLUME      - Create a volume.
VDISK       - Creates a virtual disk file.

DISKPART> create partition primary

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.

DISKPART> Select disk 2

Disk 2 is now the selected disk.


DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk.

DISKPART> format


DISKPART> create partition efi

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.

DISKPART> create partition extended

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.

DISKPART> create partition logical

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.

DISKPART> create partition msr

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.

DISKPART> create partition primary

DiskPart has encountered an error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
See the System Event Log for more information.


设备 \Device\Harddisk2\DR3 有一个坏块。

然后下载程序运行对象并阅读固定文章 但我的硬盘不是Volume这样的。




attributes disk
Current Read-only State : No
Read-only  : No
Boot Disk  : No
Pagefile Disk  : No
Hibernation File Disk  : No
Crashdump Disk  : No
Clustered Disk  : No


ST310003 40NS USB Device
Disk ID: 00000000
Type   : USB
Status : Online
Path   : 0
Target : 0
LUN ID : 0
Location Path : UNAVAILABLE
Current Read-only State : No
Read-only  : No
Boot Disk  : No
Pagefile Disk  : No
Hibernation File Disk  : No
Crashdump Disk  : No
Clustered Disk  : No


smartctl -t short /dev/sdc
smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-w64-mingw32-w10-1909] (sf-7.2-1)

Smartctl open device: /dev/sdc [USB JMicron] failed: IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH failed, Error=1167
