如何使用命令行打开此 GoPro 文件夹?(Windows 10)

如何使用命令行打开此 GoPro 文件夹?(Windows 10)

当我通过 USB 插入 GoPro 相机时,我必须单击四个文件夹才能到达包含视频文件的文件夹:

This PC\HERO8 BLACK\GoPro MTP Client Disk Volume\DCIM\100GOPRO

100GOPRO是视频文件所在的位置。我尝试创建此文件夹的快捷方式,但 Windows 不允许我这样做 - 当我尝试将图标从地址栏拖到桌面时,没有创建快捷方式。


explorer "This PC\HERO8 BLACK\GoPro MTP Client Disk Volume\DCIM\100GOPRO"


当我在 Windows 的设备管理器中查看时,此 GoPro 被归类为“MTP USB 设备”。驱动程序是最新的。





explorer "shell:mycomputerfolder\HERO8 BLACK\GoPro MTP Client Disk Volume\DCIM\100GOPRO"

我可以做的是右键单击HERO8 BLACK“此电脑”中的图标并创建快捷方式,它说无法在那里创建快捷方式,所以我想将它放在桌面上 - 是的 - 然后我在桌面上有一个该设备的快捷方式,但我无法编辑该快捷方式属性中的路径以将其余路径添加到它(它显示为灰色)否则它会起作用。



以下是我不使用 AutoIt 时如何做到的。这是一种更简洁的方法,只要设置设备名称和路径,即可一键解决:


:: Put the device name from "This PC" here inside the double quotes:

:: Put the device folder path (the part after the device name in "This PC") here inside the double quotes:
set DEVICE_FOLDER_PATH="GoPro MTP Client Disk Volume\DCIM\100GOPRO"

:: Copy MP4 files from Device
start /wait /min Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%~dp0CFD.ps1' -deviceName '%DEVICE_NAME%' -deviceFolder '%DEVICE_FOLDER_PATH%' -targetFolder '%CD%' -filter '(.mp4)$'"

创建一个名为的 Powershell 脚本CFD.ps1并将其输入:

# Windows Powershell Script to copy a set of files (based on a filter) from a folder
# on a MTP device (e.g. Android device) to a folder on a computer, using the Windows Shell.
# By Daiyan Yingyu, 19 March 2018, based on the (non-working) script found here:
#   https://www.pstips.net/access-file-system-against-mtp-connection.html
# as referenced here:
#   https://powershell.org/forums/topic/powershell-mtp-connections/
# This Powershell script is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
# In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this script.
# Please note that used 'as-is' this script will COPY files from you device.
# If you want to move files instead, you can replace the CopyHere function call with "MoveHere" instead.
# WARNING: The files will be DELETED from the source (the device) and MOVED to the computer.
# But once again, the author can take no responsibility for the use, or misuse, of this script.</em>
function Get-ShellProxy
    if( -not $global:ShellProxy)
        $global:ShellProxy = new-object -com Shell.Application
function Get-Device
    $shell = Get-ShellProxy
    # 17 (0x11) = ssfDRIVES from the ShellSpecialFolderConstants (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb774096(v=vs.85).aspx)
    # => "My Computer" — the virtual folder that contains everything on the local computer: storage devices, printers, and Control Panel.
    # This folder can also contain mapped network drives.
    $shellItem = $shell.NameSpace(17).self
    $device = $shellItem.GetFolder.items() | where { $_.name -eq $deviceName }
    return $device
function Get-SubFolder
    $pathParts = @( $path.Split([system.io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) )
    $current = $parent
    foreach ($pathPart in $pathParts)
        if ($pathPart)
            $current = $current.GetFolder.items() | where { $_.Name -eq $pathPart }
    return $current
$deviceFolderPath = $deviceFolder
$destinationFolderPath = $targetFolder
# Optionally add additional sub-folders to the destination path, such as one based on date
$device = Get-Device -deviceName $deviceName
$folder = Get-SubFolder -parent $device -path $deviceFolderPath
$items = @( $folder.GetFolder.items() | where { $_.Name -match $filter } )
if ($items)
    $totalItems = $items.count
    if ($totalItems -gt 0)
        # If destination path doesn't exist, create it only if we have some items to move
        if (-not (test-path $destinationFolderPath) )
            $created = new-item -itemtype directory -path $destinationFolderPath
        Write-Verbose "Processing Path : $deviceName\$deviceFolderPath"
        Write-Verbose "Moving to : $destinationFolderPath"
        $shell = Get-ShellProxy
        $destinationFolder = $shell.Namespace($destinationFolderPath).self
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($item in $items)
            $fileName = $item.Name
            $percent = [int](($count * 100) / $totalItems)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files in $deviceName\$deviceFolderPath" `
                -status "Processing File ${count} / ${totalItems} (${percent}%)" `
                -CurrentOperation $fileName `
                -PercentComplete $percent
            # Check the target file doesn't exist:
            $targetFilePath = join-path -path $destinationFolderPath -childPath $fileName
            if (test-path -path $targetFilePath)
                write-error "Destination file exists - file not moved:`n`t$targetFilePath"
                if (test-path -path $targetFilePath)
                    # Optionally do something with the file, such as modify the name (e.g. removed device-added prefix, etc.)
                    write-error "Failed to move file to destination:`n`t$targetFilePath"

只要在第一个文件(批处理文件)的顶部正确设置了 2 个变量并将其放在CFD.ps1批处理文件旁边,就可以将设备的 MP4 文件复制到与批处理文件和 ps1 脚本相同的文件夹中。

也可以同时复制 jpg 和 mp4 文件,或者仅复制 jpg 文件,但这需要在批处理文件中使用略有不同的命令:

复制 JPG 和 MP4 文件:

start /wait /min Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%~dp0CFD.ps1' -deviceName '%DEVICE_NAME%' -deviceFolder '%DEVICE_FOLDER_PATH%' -targetFolder '%CD%\Files' -filter '(.jpg)|(.mp4)$'"

仅复制 JPG 文件:

start /wait /min Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%~dp0CFD.ps1' -deviceName '%DEVICE_NAME%' -deviceFolder '%DEVICE_FOLDER_PATH%' -targetFolder '%CD%\Files' -filter '(.jpg)$'"

原始 ps1 脚本实际上从设备中移动了文件,这不是上述脚本的意图(它复制)。

要移动文件,请更改CopyHereMoveHereps1 脚本的第 98 行。

还有什么……我不知道。看看这个 ps1 脚本对于这么简单的任务来说有多长!都是因为该设备没有驱动器号。

使用此功能,您可以将其应用于任何 MTP 设备,只要您在批处理文件的开头输入正确的设备名称和路径即可。ps1 脚本可以保持不变。
