

I have a computer which is almost 10 years old now. It uses a hard disk which is also almost 10 years old. Recently I had installed a software called 'Hard Disk Sentinel' which checks the health of the hard disk. The software told me that that the health of my hard disk was 14%. It said:

There are 528 bad sectors on the disk surface. The contents of these sectors were moved to the spare area. 4089 errors occurred during data transfer.

In case of sudden system crash, reboot, blue-screen-of-death, inaccessible file(s)/folder(s), it is recommended to verify data and power cables, connections and if possible try different cables to prevent further problems. It is recommended to examine the log of the disk regularly. All new problems found will be logged there.

It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

But my computer is almost 10 years old and I have not had any data loss whatsoever. All my photos, videos and documents are there in their respective disks and all open and run smoothly. As a matter of fact it's been 3 weeks now since I scanned my hard disk and found out there were bad sectors and still there has not been any data loss.

Should I be worried by about my hard disk and if so why has not there been any data loss in my hard disk?

P.S.: All of my drives other than Local Disk (C:) are HDDs and their health is being shown as 14% and all the stuff which the software is saying is about those HDDs. However my Local Disk (C:) is an SSD and it's health is 100%. It has no problems.


But my computer is almost 10 years old and I have not had any data loss whatsoever. All my photos, videos and documents are there in their respective disks and all open and run smoothly.

That's because "The contents of these sectors were moved to the spare area.". All modern disks have spare sectors for this purpose. However, there's a limited number of them, and when they run out, your harddisk can no longer do that.








是的,可以。这取决于什么方法有效,什么方法无效。谈到坏扇区,有一些相关的关键 SMART 参数。

重置扇区计数- 坏扇区通常已被重新映射到备用区域。

当前待处理部门数量- 硬盘上尚未重新映射或重新分配的不稳定扇区。有时这些是软错误,完整的磁盘低级重新格式化可能会纠正它。

无法纠正的扇区数- 读取或写入硬盘扇区时出现无法纠正的错误数。这些错误可能会导致永久性数据丢失。


你可能很幸运,或者这个问题暂时还未解决。有一天,你可能会打开一张照片,发现文件实际上已损坏。我很想看看你的完整 SMART 报告。除了所有其他参数外,还显示了这 3 个关键参数。


是的,它们肯定会造成数据丢失,而且经常是造成数据丢失的原因。数据恢复实验室通常会配备专门设计用于克隆坏扇区驱动器的硬件,全天候工作。这种硬件通常使用供应商特定命令 (VSC) 与驱动器直接通信,并且可高度调整(超时、跳过磁头、各种重置等)。

多个 DeepSpar DDI 装置正在运行

当然,我们可能会丢失损坏扇区内存储的数据。如果该扇区恰好存储用户文件,例如损坏的 JPEG 扇区将导致 JPEG 损坏。此外,操作系统可能不会打开文件,而是显示错误消息。

如果有一个或多个存储文件系统元数据的坏扇区,我们的问题就会更加严重。像 Windows 这样的操作系统反复尝试读取此类扇区,导致系统锁定,这种情况并不罕见。我们基本上失去了访问几个策略性放置的坏扇区所造成的整个卷的能力。

但情况可能更糟。例如,过去某些驱动器存在某些固件问题,它们不断尝试重新分配坏扇区。这些重新分配记录在系统区域 (SA) 内的某个部分,持续的重新分配导致这些区域溢出并有效覆盖 SA 内的关键数据。而且由于固件也存储在磁盘表面,这些扇区本身可能会损坏,导致驱动器无法使用。

此外,SSD、SD 卡和 USB 闪存驱动器中的坏扇区经常会导致驱动器“变得愚蠢”,固件忙于处理异常,以至于没有时间响应读取或写入命令。


如果驱动器仍在响应命令,我们需要做的第一件事就是克隆或镜像驱动器。如前所述,数据恢复实验室使用专门设计的硬件。如果您想自己尝试,则需要使用为此任务设计的软件。例如 ddrescue 和 HDDSuperClone,其中后者更先进。




