Modem recycles when power goes out although it's on a UPS

Modem recycles when power goes out although it's on a UPS

我有一个 UPS,台式机、服务器、路由器和调制解调器都在备用电源上,但当电源闪烁时,fios 调制解调器仍然会关闭。它是唯一会关闭的东西。有人知道为什么或如何阻止这种情况吗?

UPS 是新的。我 2 个月前才买的。断电时(我买以来断电时间最长的一次是 3 分钟),我的服务器、工作站和路由器仍保持开启状态,但调制解调器会循环。我不知道它是立即断电然后重新开启,还是在电源恢复时循环供电。昨天断电了几次,每次间隔几分钟,但除调制解调器外,其他设备一直保持开启状态。Vz 调制解调器的灯从绿色变为熄灭,然后变为白色,然后又变为绿色。


并非所有产品都具有相同的 PSU 质量,或能够容忍 UPS 从主电源切换到电池时出现的轻微电压下降。


Most modern PCs have 115v to 230v tolerant supplies and may also have significant capacitance to account for glitches in the incoming supply and as a result may be able to cope with a momentary interruption during the handful of milliseconds it takes your UPS to detect that the incoming supply has been interrupted and bring its own supply online. Switch mode supplies tend to be highly tolerant of incoming dips and many are capable of working as long as the input voltage does not dip below the required output voltage.

Your router on the other hand might have a cheap power supply that uses a transformer to bring the voltage down to something close to the required voltage but does not take account of incoming voltage dips. As a result the incoming dip causes the output voltage to also dip and as a result browns out the connected device, effectively turning it off.
