Windows - How do I undo 'sdelete -c C'?

Windows - How do I undo 'sdelete -c C'?

sdelete is a tool for secure deletion, and the -c flag "cleans free space".

I ran this command sdelete -c C on a Windows 10 machine in an attempt to clean up free space on the C drive, but the command fills up that drive.

How do I undo that command and reclaim lost disk space?

Winfetch screenshot: enter image description here

Only 90 GB of C drive was occupied before running this command, now it's 469 GB.


Like what @Daniel B suggested, sdelete did not fill up 100% of my C drive.

The OS is still functional and I managed to find the 380GB SDELTEMP file and delete it with remove-item -Force, and got my disk space back. :)
