在使用 VirtualBox Ubuntu 20.04 虚拟机时遇到了很多有关缺乏敏捷性和滞后的问题后,我决定切换到 VMware。
- 从 VirtualBox 将虚拟机导出到 OVA 文件
- 将上述 OVA 文件导入 VMware
- 使用 VMWare 登录虚拟机
- 使用上面链接的视频中显示的命令卸载 VirtualBox 客户机添加程序。
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer backtrace[73] frame 0x008fffc4 IP 0x77c7bb1f params 0x103f470 0x7c0000 0 0 [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll base 0x77c10000 0x0001:0x0006ab1f] RtlClearBits
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer Msg_Post: Error
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer [msg.log.error.unrecoverable] VMware Player unrecoverable error: (vmplayer)
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05)+ vmplayer Exception 0xc0000094 has occurred.
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer [msg.panic.haveLog] A log file is available in "C:\Users\amine\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-amine\vmware-vmplayer-22428.log".
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer [msg.panic.requestSupport.withoutLog] You can request support.
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer [msg.panic.requestSupport.vmSupport.vmx86]
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05)+ vmplayer To collect data to submit to VMware technical support, run "vm-support".
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer [msg.panic.response] We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
2022-11-19T17:48:31.540Z In(05) vmplayer ----------------------------------------
2022-11-19T17:48:31.571Z In(05) vmplayer CnxFSVigor: Could not get the dataFileKey
编辑虚拟机的 VMX 文件,并将 virtualHW.version = “20” 设置为 virtualHW.version = “19”
由于某种原因,当版本 20 (即 VMWare 17)时,它会崩溃