Seagate 是少数能够解释 Seagate 硬盘的 SMART 含义的制造商之一:http://t1.daumcdn.net/brunch/service/user/axm/file/zRYOdwPu3OMoKYmBOby1fEEQEbU.pdf
3.1 Attribute ID 1: Raw Error Rate
Normalized Raw Error Rate = 10 * log10(NumberOfSectorsTransferredToOrFromHost * 512 * 8 /
(Number of sectors requiring retries))
Where the factor of 512*8 is to convert from sectors to bits. The attribute value is only
computed when the number of bits in the "transferred bits" count is in the range 1010 to 1012
The counts are cleared when Number Of Bits Transferred To Or From Host > 1012.
“Number of sectors requiring retries” does not count free retry or hidden retry.
Normalized Raw Error Rate is evaluated to a number between 1 and 166.
Raw Usage
Raw [3 – 0] = Number of sector reads
Raw [6 - 4] = Number of read errors.
因此,SMART 属性的原始值占 48 位。Seagate 的寻道错误率属性由两部分组成 - 最高 4 个半字节中的 16 位寻道错误计数和最低 8 个半字节中的 32 位寻道计数。
所以 0x000005B7B605 -> 0000-05B7B605 => 没有读取错误,读取 95925765。
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate
7 Seek_Error_Rate