我是 docker 新手,已在我的 ubuntu 22 机器上成功安装了 docker 桌面,并且它按预期工作。但是,在重新启动笔记本电脑时,docker 桌面显示 docker 引擎已停止。之前我重新安装以使其再次工作,但今天早上重启后它再次失败。我按照官方文档中的几条建议操作,向 libvert 添加了用户并检查了 kvm 状态。docker 服务未处于活动状态,因此我启动了它并重新启动了 docker 桌面,但仍然显示 Docker Engine 已停止。我检查了自我诊断工具,可以看到一些警告和错误,但不知道如何通过搜索来解决,我不确定我所做的是有帮助还是会破坏。当我尝试在 docker 桌面中设置时,我只得到一个旋转的轮子
/opt/docker-desktop/bin/com.docker.diagnose check
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.495919244Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] set path configuration to OnHost
Starting diagnostics
[PASS] DD0039: are KVM user permissions configured?
[PASS] DD0018: does the host support virtualization?
[PASS] DD0001: is the application running?
[PASS] DD0017: can a VM be started?
[PASS] DD0016: is the LinuxKit VM running?
[FAIL] DD0011: are the LinuxKit services running? failed to ping VM diagnosticsd with error: Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix diagnosticd.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.535402128Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] ipc.NewClient: 9d6b9a19-diagnose -> diagnosticd.sock diagnosticsd
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.535656237Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (bf2bb465) 9d6b9a19-diagnose C->S diagnosticsd GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.538082480Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (bf2bb465) 9d6b9a19-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (2.394441ms): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix diagnosticd.sock: connect: connection refused
[FAIL] DD0004: is the Docker engine running? Get "http://ipc/docker": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.538470538Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] ipc.NewClient: 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose -> lifecycle-server.sock VMDockerdAPI
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.538684721Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /docker
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.539653904Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /docker (946.957µs): Get "http://ipc/docker": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.539943536Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-1) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:26.540374567Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-1) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (427.155µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:27.541119338Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-2) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:27.541828079Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-2) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (730.075µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:28.542675167Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-3) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:28.543265215Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-3) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (602.656µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:29.544289902Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-4) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:29.544857814Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-4) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (566.435µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:30.545541009Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-5) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:30.546295753Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-5) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (757.352µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:31.547358499Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-6) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:31.548121789Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-6) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (779.572µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:32.549141595Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-7) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:32.549633282Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-7) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (471.872µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:33.550339884Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (614fae8b-8) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C->S VMDockerdAPI GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:33.551294806Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (614fae8b-8) 23d39189-com.docker.diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (952.568µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[PASS] DD0015: are the binary symlinks installed?
[FAIL] DD0031: does the Docker API work? Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix://docker.raw.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
[PASS] DD0013: is the $PATH ok?
[PASS] DD0034: is Context set to a Docker Desktop context?
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///home/ray/.docker/desktop/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
[FAIL] DD0003: is the Docker CLI working? exit status 1
[PASS] DD0038: is the connection to Docker working?
[FAIL] DD0014: are the backend processes running? 3 errors occurred:
* querying com.docker.backend process: is it running as a different user?: readlink /proc/3841/exe: permission denied
* com.docker.driver.amd64-linux is not running
* qemu-system-x86_64 is not running
[PASS] DD0007: is the backend responding?
[PASS] DD0008: is the native API responding?
[SKIP] DD0009: is the vpnkit API responding?
[FAIL] DD0010: is the Docker API proxy responding? failed to ping Docker proxy API with error: Get "http://ipc/desktop-diagnostics/ping": dial unix /home/ray/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:34.856895519Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] ipc.NewClient: a074199b-diagnose -> <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock Proxy
[2023-04-15T08:14:34.857183227Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /desktop-diagnostics/ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:34.858349502Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /desktop-diagnostics/ping (1.138901ms): Get "http://ipc/desktop-diagnostics/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:34.859148047Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-1) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:34.859860084Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-1) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (702.3µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:35.861171132Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-2) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:35.861650489Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-2) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (476.527µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:36.862945678Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-3) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:36.863473499Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-3) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (499.305µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:37.864523982Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-4) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:37.865436116Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-4) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (906.79µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:38.866967521Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-5) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:38.867887477Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-5) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (898.218µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:39.869149670Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-6) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:39.869844243Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-6) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (685.937µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:40.871318922Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-7) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:40.872034187Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-7) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (710.006µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[2023-04-15T08:14:41.873636729Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] (a1aa5df2-8) a074199b-diagnose C->S Proxy GET /ping
[2023-04-15T08:14:41.874163073Z][com.docker.diagnose][W] (a1aa5df2-8) a074199b-diagnose C<-S NoResponse GET /ping (522.887µs): Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix <HOME>/.docker/desktop/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
[SKIP] DD0030: is the image access management authorized?
[PASS] DD0037: is the virtiofs setup correct?
[PASS] DD0036: is the credentials store configured correctly?
[PASS] DD0033: does the host have Internet access?
[PASS] DD0039: are KVM user permissions configured?
[PASS] DD0018: does the host support virtualization?
[PASS] DD0001: is the application running?
[PASS] DD0017: can a VM be started?
[PASS] DD0016: is the LinuxKit VM running?
[WARN] DD0011: are the LinuxKit services running? failed to ping VM diagnosticsd with error: Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix diagnosticd.sock: connect: connection refused
[WARN] DD0004: is the Docker engine running? Get "http://ipc/docker": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
[PASS] DD0015: are the binary symlinks installed?
[WARN] DD0031: does the Docker API work? Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix://docker.raw.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
[WARN] DD0032: do Docker networks overlap with host IPs? Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix://docker.raw.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
Please note the following 4 warnings:
1 : The check: are the LinuxKit services running?
Produced the following warning: failed to ping VM diagnosticsd with error: Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix diagnosticd.sock: connect: connection refused
The Docker engine runs inside a Linux VM as a service. Therefore the services must have started.
2 : The check: is the Docker engine running?
Produced the following warning: Get "http://ipc/docker": dial unix lifecycle-server.sock: connect: connection refused
The Docker engine manages all containers and images on the host. Check the dockerd.log to see why it failed to start.
3 : The check: does the Docker API work?
Produced the following warning: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix://docker.raw.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
If the Docker API is not available from the host then Docker Desktop will not work correctly.
4 : The check: do Docker networks overlap with host IPs?
Produced the following warning: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix://docker.raw.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
If the subnet used by a Docker network overlaps with an IP used by the host, then containers
won't be able to contact the overlapping IP addresses.
Try configuring the IP address range used by networks: in your docker-compose.yml.
See https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v2/#ipv4_address-ipv6_address
Please investigate the following 2 issues:
1 : The test: are the LinuxKit services running?
Failed with: failed to ping VM diagnosticsd with error: Get "http://ipc/ping": dial unix diagnosticd.sock: connect: connection refused
The Docker engine runs inside a Linux VM as a service. Therefore the services must have started.
2 : The test: are the backend processes running?
Failed with: 3 errors occurred:
* querying com.docker.backend process: is it running as a different user?: readlink /proc/3841/exe: permission denied
* com.docker.driver.amd64-linux is not running
* qemu-system-x86_64 is not running
Not all of the backend processes are running.
我应该从哪里开始解决这个问题?我知道建议有 2 个步骤,但这对我来说很新 :(