这些“点”是文件(片段),由于被正在运行的应用程序或 Windows 锁定,因此在正常使用期间无法移动。
║ White ║ Empty ║ There is no data in this section of the hard drive. ║
║ Light Blue ║ Not fragmented (Low Occupancy) ║ This section is not fragmented, and does not contain a lot of data. ║
║ Blue ║ Not fragmented ║ This section is not fragmented. ║
║ Light Red ║ Fragmented (Low Occupancy) ║ This section is fragmented, and does not contain a lot of data. Files using this section are also using other sections to store other file parts. ║
║ Red ║ Fragmented ║ This section is fragmented. Files using this section are also using other sections to store other file parts. ║
║ Gold ║ Page File ║ The page file (or swap file) is a space on the hard drive which Windows uses as an extension of its real memory (RAM). While Windows is running, you cannot defragment this section of the hard drive. ║
║ Purple ║ Reserved MFT Space ║ This section is reserved for the Master File Table (MFT), which is a database that stores information about every file and folder on this hard drive. The MFT is used for NTFS-formatted drives only. Defraggler can defragment the MFT as well, but it cannot move the MFT's starting position. ║
║ Yellow ║ Files being read ║ When Defraggler is defragging a drive, you will see sections flash yellow as it works. This indicates it is reading files from that section. ║
║ Green ║ Files being written ║ Similarly, when Defraggler is defragging a drive, sections will flash green as it is writing files to them. ║
来源:了解 Defraggler 中的驱动器映射 – CCleaner 支持
使用 Defraggler 进行启动时碎片整理
Defraggler 具有启动时碎片整理选项,允许您在操作系统完全加载之前对通常由操作系统锁定的文件进行碎片整理。
- 在 Defraggler 的主菜单中,单击“设置”,然后单击“启动时碎片整理”。
- 您可以选择以下运行选项:
- 已禁用 – 禁用此选项
- 运行一次 – 启动时仅对文件进行一次碎片整理
- 每次运行 – 每次启动 PC 时在启动时对文件进行碎片整理 启用此选项后,将显示一个对话框,通知您此选项已打开,并询问您是否要立即重新启动 PC。如果选择“是”,您的 PC 将重新启动并进行碎片整理。如果选择“否”,您的 PC 将在下次重新启动时进行碎片整理。
C:\pagefile.sys C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\default C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system