MacPorts 建议我删除 dylib 文件。我应该删除吗?

MacPorts 建议我删除 dylib 文件。我应该删除吗?

MacPorts 文档提到了port diagnose以下命令



Error: The installed version of Xcode, none, is not supported by MacPorts.  
For your currently installed system, the following versions of Xcode are supported: 14.3 14.2 14.1
Warning: found dylibs in your /usr/local/lib directory. 
These are known to cause problems. We'd recommend you remove them.

Error是因为我目前没有安装 Xcode(我确实打算安装),但告诉我Warning:我应该删除(唯一的)dylib文件吗?如下所示/usr/local/lib

