Is there any way to display terminal output value on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) window top bar (GNOME Shell)?

Is there any way to display terminal output value on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) window top bar (GNOME Shell)?

First of all, I just need to view the outcome of vnstat -t continually. This command terminal output looks like this:


I tried using a tool called "Argos". I created an Argos script to display the terminal output value as following:

echo "$(vnstat -t)"

But it looks like this:

Argos 输出

I need this type of view: 在此处输入图片描述

However, I need to track daily internet usage (download & upload). Is there any way to do this?


migh it be that vnstat reduces the output when it detects that a pipe is used?

Try using this:

vnstat -t

as your "Argos script" - does that remedy your "problem"?
