root@lab-web2:/etc/heartbeat# systemctl status heartbeat
● heartbeat.service - Heartbeat High Availability Cluster Communication and Membership
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/heartbeat.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-07-19 10:11:23 CEST; 5s ago
Docs: man:heartbeat(8)
Main PID: 1806 (heartbeat)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 1115)
Memory: 10.7M
CPU: 214ms
CGroup: /system.slice/heartbeat.service
├─1806 heartbeat: master control process
├─1810 heartbeat: FIFO reader
├─1811 heartbeat: write: bcast ens192
├─1812 heartbeat: read: bcast ens192
├─1813 heartbeat: write: ping
└─1814 heartbeat: read: ping
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[2] : [dt=1388]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[3] : [protocol=1]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[4] : [src=ns1.http.fr]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[5] : [(1)srcuuid=0x55e2a1445530(36 27)]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[6] : [seq=d0e]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[7] : [hg=64b6ebbd]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[8] : [ts=64b79ab0]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[9] : [ld=0.06 0.16 0.11 2/261 1703]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[10] : [ttl=4]
juil. 19 10:11:28 lab-web2 heartbeat[1806]: [1806]: ERROR: MSG[11] : [auth=1 a29d11e0dbf6ca8c4b77b2]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: authtoken does not match, authtoken=84713aff88a7be86584a90e588f01543c>
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: netstring authentication failed s=###11:(0)t=status,12:(0)st=active,10:(0)dt=1388,13:(0)protocol=1,18:(0)src=ns2.http.fr,27:(1)srcuuid=T�oyWROɮz|[؟��,11:>42:1 84713aff88a7be86584a90e588f01543c693071a,, autotoken=1 84713aff88a7be86584a90e588f01543c693071a,
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG: Dumping message with 12 fields
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[0] : [t=status]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[1] : [st=active]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[2] : [dt=1388]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[3] : [protocol=1]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[4] : [src=ns2.http.fr]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[5][(1)srcuuid=0x55fee60962c0(3627)]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[6] : [seq=10f3]
Jul 19 00:00:00 lab-web1 heartbeat: [554]: ERROR: MSG[7] : [hg=64b6f224]
我已经验证了 authkeys 文件
我的集群中的两台服务器都出现了同样的错误。但一切正常,这很奇怪。我的同事正在尝试安装并制作域名安全在我们同一个实验室的 DNS 集群上,这可以相关吗?我尝试重新启动服务器,重新启动服务,但没有发生任何其他事情。
Debian 11 x64 和 apache2