检查文件夹中是否存在多个 .csv 文件

检查文件夹中是否存在多个 .csv 文件

我们需要检查一个要求,确保文件夹中的 .csv 文件中的多个文件名称以数字开头。如果是,则将继续执行后续步骤。如果任何文件丢失,则向企业发送电子邮件,并附上丢失的文件名。这可以通过批处理脚本或 PowerShell 实现吗?




# Define the folder path
$folderPath = "C:\Where\All\CSVs\Are"

# Get a list of all CSV files in the folder
$csvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Filter "*.csv"

# Initialize variables for tracking sequence and missing files
$expectedNumber = 1
$missingFiles = @()

# Loop through each CSV file
foreach ($csvFile in $csvFiles) {
    # Get the base name of the file without extension
    $baseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($csvFile.Name)
    # Check if the base name starts with the expected number
    if ($baseName -match "^$expectedNumber") {
    } else {
        $missingFiles += $csvFile.Name

if ($missingFiles.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host "Missing Files:"
    foreach ($missingFile in $missingFiles) {
        Write-Host $missingFile

    # Convert the list of missing files to a string
    $missingFilesString = $missingFiles -join "`r`n"

    # Email configuration
    $emailParams = @{
        SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com"
        Port = 587
        UseSsl = $true
        Credential = Get-Credential
        From = "[email protected]"
        To = "[email protected]"
        Subject = "Missing CSV Files"
        Body = "The following CSV files are missing or out of sequence:`r`n`r`n$missingFilesString"

    # Send the email
    Send-MailMessage @emailParams
} else {
    Write-Host "All CSV files have names starting with numbers in sequence."



首先,您需要使用此 PS 脚本创建该 XML 文件:

$credential = Get-Credential

$credential | Export-CliXml -Path "C:\Where\To \Save\The\Credentials\myCred_${env:USERNAME}_${env:COMPUTERNAME}.xml"

注意:您无需编辑用户名和计算机名,它们是自动设置的。您需要记住,此加密 XML 文件特定于您的用户和你的机器两者皆可。这意味着如果您尝试在另一台计算机上或以不同的用户身份加载 XML,它将不是工作。如果您希望能够在不同的机器上运行该脚本,您别无选择,只能以纯文本形式存储密码。


# Define the folder path
$folderPath = "C:\Where\All\CSVs\Are"

# Get a list of all CSV files in the folder
$csvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Filter "*.csv"

# Initialize variables for tracking sequence and missing files
$expectedNumber = 1
$missingFiles = @()

# Loop through each CSV file
foreach ($csvFile in $csvFiles) {
    # Get the base name of the file without extension
    $baseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($csvFile.Name)
    # Check if the base name starts with the expected number
    if ($baseName -match "^$expectedNumber") {
    } else {
        $missingFiles += $csvFile.Name

if ($missingFiles.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host "Missing Files:"
    foreach ($missingFile in $missingFiles) {
        Write-Host $missingFile

    # Convert the list of missing files to a string
    $missingFilesString = $missingFiles -join "`r`n"

    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPlainTextAppSpecificPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = Import-CliXml -Path "C:\Where\To \Save\The\Credentials\myCred_${env:USERNAME}_${env:COMPUTERNAME}.xml"
    # Email configuration
    $emailParams = @{
        SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com"
        Port = 587
        UseSsl = $true
        Credential = $cred
        From = "[email protected]"
        To = "[email protected]"
        Subject = "Missing CSV Files"
        Body = "The following CSV files are missing or out of sequence:`r`n`r`n$missingFilesString"

    # Send the email
    Send-MailMessage @emailParams
} else {
    Write-Host "All CSV files have names starting with numbers in sequence."
