Outlook 自动将每封发送的电子邮件保存为文本文件

Outlook 自动将每封发送的电子邮件保存为文本文件

我希望 Outlook 自动将每封发送的电子邮件保存为指定目录中的文本文件。


你好,Wayne Walton,

方法 1:使用 Outlook 规则和 VBA 脚本

Enable Developer Tab:
    In Outlook, go to File > Options.
    Click on Customize Ribbon.
    Check the box for Developer in the right column.
    Click OK.

Open Visual Basic for Applications (VBA):
    Click on the Developer tab.
    Click Visual Basic.

Create a New Module:
    Right-click on any item in the project explorer on the left.
    Choose Insert > Module.

Paste the VBA Script:
    Copy and paste the following VBA script into the module:


Sub SaveSentEmail(Item 作为 Outlook.MailItem) Dim objFileSystem 作为对象 Dim objTextFile 作为对象 Dim strFileName 作为字符串 Dim strFolderPath 作为字符串

' Set the folder path where you want to save the text files
strFolderPath = "C:\Path\To\Your\Folder\"

' Create the file name using the email subject
strFileName = strFolderPath & Item.Subject & ".txt"

' Create a FileSystemObject
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Create or open the text file
Set objTextFile = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile(strFileName, True)

' Write the email body to the text file
objTextFile.Write Item.Body

' Close the text file


Create a Rule to Run the Script:
    Go back to Outlook.
    Go to File > Manage Rules & Alerts.
    Click New Rule.
    Select Apply rule on messages I send.
    Click Next until you reach the Finish Rule Setup window.
    Check Run a script and click on a script in the bottom box.
    Select the SaveSentEmail script and click Add, then OK.
    Complete the rule setup and click Finish.



CodeTwo Outlook Export: A paid tool that allows you to save Outlook emails to different formats automatically.

MessageExport by Encryptomatic: Another paid tool that provides advanced options for saving Outlook emails.
