我对 Linux 一无所知,但是我已经研究这个问题大约 20 个小时了。
我有一台联想 ThinkPad T430s,安装了 Debian 12,我很确定我已经成功安装了 kicksecure,但是当我尝试将 kicksecure '更新' 到 whonix 时,我收到了消息
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [WARN]: VirtualBox Kernel Module Loaded Test Result: 'no' - file /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. This probably means that the vboxdrv kernel module has not been load yet.
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [NOTICE]: Running: $ sudo -- modprobe vboxdrv
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [NOTICE]: Virtualization Support Test: Your CPU supports virtualization: 'intel': 'vmx'
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [NOTICE]: Existing VM Check: Virtual Machine(s) have been imported previously.
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [NOTICE]: Available guest: 'Whonix-Gateway-Xfce'
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [NOTICE]: Available guest: 'Whonix-Workstation-Xfce'
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [WARN]: Debugging information:
Secure Boot Status: 'disabled' (mokutil_output: 'EFI variables are not supported on this system')
Kernel module has been load: false
Kernel module can be load: true (modules can be load. (sysctl kernel.modules_disabled=0 is set.)
Only signed kernel modules can be load: false
Kernel module vboxdrv signer: DKMS module signing key
kernel_module_modprobe_output (sudo modprobe vboxdrv):
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [ERROR]: VirtualBox Installation Result: 'FAIL' - because kernel module load have not been load yet.
- Kernel modules can be load in theory, should be loaded by now, but are not.
- This is a VirtualBox installation issue.
whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [ERROR]: Virtual Machine Startup Result: FAIL
- The installer succeeded with download and import, but
- failed to start the virtual machines (VMs).
- The root cause for this issue is likely not the installer.
- This issue would likely also happen if the user tried to manually start the VMs.
- This is likely happening due to the virtualization related warnings that have been reported above.
- Resolving these issues (as per documentation hyperlinks above) would likely resolve this issue.
我猜第一个要解决的问题是whonix-xfce-installer-cli: [WARN]: VirtualBox Kernel Module Loaded Test Result: 'no' - file