PowerPoint VBA-幻灯片放映-Win11 未更新幻灯片内容

PowerPoint VBA-幻灯片放映-Win11 未更新幻灯片内容

我有一套 PPT 幻灯片(2 张幻灯片),保存为 PPTM 文件,用作倒计时器,其中剩余时间由幻灯片 2 上的 VBA 控制。

当我在运行 MS Access 365/2019 的 Windows 10 上时,它曾经正常工作。

现在我已经使用 MS 365 Access 迁移到 Windows 11。如果我转到开发人员选项卡上的“运行宏”并选择子项,代码就会运行。如果我进入幻灯片放映,倒计时功能只会播放由语音库.SpVoice但不会更新屏幕内容。

Option Explicit

Const TimerAudioFolder As String = "\\bc.baruch.cuny.edu\shares\ConflictExam\Timer_Audio\"
Const TimerSlideNumber As Integer = 2

Public Sub BAR01_Countdown()

Dim CountTimeEnd As Date
Dim myHours As Integer
Dim myMinutes As Integer
Dim mySeconds As Integer
Dim dispH As Integer
Dim dispM As Integer
Dim dispS As Integer
Dim dispTime As String
Dim secondsRemain As Integer
Dim sTalk As SpeechLib.SpVoice
Set sTalk = New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim bGave_90M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_90M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_60M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_60M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_30M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_30M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_15M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_15M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_10M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_10M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_05M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_05M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_01M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_01M_Warning = False
Dim bGave_00M_Warning As Boolean
    bGave_00M_Warning = False
Dim countTimeStart As Date
Dim timePassed As Integer
Dim timePassedH As Integer
Dim timePassedM As Integer
Dim timePassedS As Integer

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Header").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(9, 60, 113)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Header").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(254, 136, 7)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Info").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Info").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(9, 60, 113)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "-- WAIT --"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please Wait. " & Now
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "-- WAIT -- --"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 60
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Start " & Now
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = " ----- " & Now
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(191, 191, 191)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(Now, "HH:MM AM/PM")
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)


CountTimeEnd = Now()

myHours = 0
myMinutes = 3
mySeconds = 0

CountTimeEnd = DateAdd("h", myHours, CountTimeEnd)
CountTimeEnd = DateAdd("n", myMinutes, CountTimeEnd)
CountTimeEnd = DateAdd("s", mySeconds, CountTimeEnd)

ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138

countTimeStart = Now()
    sTalk.Speak "The Time is Now " & Format(Now, "HH:MM AM/PM"), SVSFDefault
    sTalk.Speak "The session will end at " & Format(CountTimeEnd, "HH:MM AM/PM"), SVSFDefault
    sTalk.Speak "Your Time Starts Now. Good Luck.", SVSFlagsAsync
Do Until CountTimeEnd < Now()

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(Now, "HH:MM.SS AM/PM")

    secondsRemain = (DateDiff("s", Now, CountTimeEnd))
    timePassed = DateDiff("s", countTimeStart, Now)
    dispH = Int(secondsRemain / (60 * 60))
    dispM = Int(secondsRemain / 60) Mod 60
    dispS = secondsRemain Mod 60
    timePassedH = Int(timePassed / (60 * 60))
    timePassedM = Int(timePassed / 60) Mod 60
    timePassedS = secondsRemain Mod 60
    If dispH > 0 Then
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
        dispTime = Format(dispH, "00") & ":" & Format(dispM, "00") & "." & Format(dispS, "00")
    ElseIf dispM > 0 Then
        If dispM >= 10 Then
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
        ElseIf dispM >= 5 Then
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(227, 108, 9)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(243, 60, 4)
        End If
        dispTime = Format(dispM, "00") & ":" & Format(dispS, "00")
        If dispS Mod 2 = 0 Then
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(218, 31, 5)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(253, 228, 42)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(161, 1, 0)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 202, 42)
        End If
        dispTime = Format(dispS, "00")
    End If
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = dispTime
    If dispH > 0 Or dispM > 0 Then
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Time Remaining"
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Time Remaining (Seconds)" & vbNewLine & _
            "Please ensure all answers are on your answer document." & vbNewLine & "No additional time will be provided to transfer your answers."
    End If
Debug.Print DateDiff("n", Now, countTimeStart)
    If dispH = 1 And dispM = 30 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_90M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If
            sTalk.Speak "You have one hour and thirty minutes remaining.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_90M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 1 And dispM = 0 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_60M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If
            sTalk.Speak "You have one hour remaining.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_60M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 0 And dispM = 30 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_30M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If
            sTalk.Speak "You have thirty minutes remaining.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_30M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 0 And dispM = 15 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_15M_Warning = False Then
                    If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If

            sTalk.Speak "You now have fifteen minutes remaining.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_15M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 0 And dispM = 10 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_10M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If
            sTalk.Speak "You now have ten minutes remaining.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_10M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 0 And dispM = 5 And dispS = 0 Then
        If bGave_05M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If

            sTalk.Speak "You now have only five minutes remaining. Please ensure all answers are on your answer document.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_05M_Warning = True
    End If
    If dispH = 0 And dispM = 1 And dispS = 0 Then
         If bGave_01M_Warning = False Then
            If timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH > 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hours have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM > 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour and " & timePassedM & "minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 1 And timePassedM = 0 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedH & " hour has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM = 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minute has elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
            ElseIf timePassedH = 0 And timePassedM > 1 Then
                sTalk.Speak timePassedM & " minutes have elapsed", SVSFlagsAsync
                'say nothing
            End If
            sTalk.Speak "You now have one minute remaining. Please ensure all answers are on your answer document.", SVSFlagsAsync
        End If
        bGave_01M_Warning = True
    End If
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(Now, "HH:MM AM/PM")

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_HEADER").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(222, 245, 250)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Header").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(192, 0, 0)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Info").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(242, 242, 255)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("Rect_CO_Header").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(228, 0, 70)

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Stop Working"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please put your pens and pencils down. Please return all examination materials, including scrap paper and reference sheets, to the examination envelope. Please bring the envelope up to the proctors. Thank you."
    sTalk.Speak "Your Time is up", SVSFDefault
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 72
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Pencils/Pens Down"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
    sTalk.Speak "Please put your pens and pencils down. "
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 72
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Return Exam"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
    sTalk.Speak "Please return all examination materials, including scrap paper and reference sheets, to the examination envelope. "
    sTalk.Speak "Please bring the envelope up to the proctors.", SVSFlagsAsync
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Stop Working"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please return all examination materials, including scrap paper and reference sheets, to the examination envelope. Please bring the envelope up to the proctors. Thank you."
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Thank You."
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
   sTalk.Speak "Thank you for taking your examination with us. "
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 72
   ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Get Home Safely."
   ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 22, 60)
   Select Case Time()
    Case #12:00:01 AM# To #11:59:00 AM#
       sTalk.Speak "Have a good day and get home safely."
    Case #12:00:00 PM# To #4:59:00 PM#
       sTalk.Speak "Have a good afternoon and get home safely."
    Case #4:59:01 PM# To #8:00:00 PM#
       sTalk.Speak "Have a good evening and get home safely."
    Case Else
       sTalk.Speak "Have a good night and get home safely."
    End Select
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Time Is Up"
    BAR01_ContinueCurrentTime 600 'Continue Live Clock for 10 minutes

End Sub

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()
        Debug.Print SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.SlideIndex
        If SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.SlideIndex = TimerSlideNumber Then
       End If
End Sub

Private Sub BAR01_ContinueCurrentTime(lLengthInSeconds As Long)
Dim bDis As Boolean
    bDis = True

Dim CT_CountTimeEnd As Date

    CT_CountTimeEnd = Now()
    CT_CountTimeEnd = DateAdd("s", CInt(lLengthInSeconds), CT_CountTimeEnd)

Do Until CT_CountTimeEnd < Now()

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(Now, "HH:MM.SS AM/PM")
    If (Second(Now) >= 0 And Second(Now) < 4) Or (Second(Now) >= 10 And Second(Now) < 14) _
        Or (Second(Now) >= 20 And Second(Now) < 24) Or (Second(Now) >= 30 And Second(Now) < 34) Or _
        (Second(Now) >= 40 And Second(Now) < 44) Or (Second(Now) >= 50 And Second(Now) < 54) Then
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Time Is Up"
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    ElseIf (Second(Now) >= 4 And Second(Now) < 7) Or (Second(Now) >= 14 And Second(Now) < 17) _
        Or (Second(Now) >= 24 And Second(Now) < 27) Or (Second(Now) >= 34 And Second(Now) < 37) Or _
        (Second(Now) >= 44 And Second(Now) < 47) Or (Second(Now) >= 54 And Second(Now) < 57) Then
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 72
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Return Packet To Front"
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(227, 108, 9)
            ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Stop Working"
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(161, 1, 0)
        ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End If

    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "- FINISHED -"
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    ActivePresentation.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
End Sub

Private Sub App_PresentationOpen(ByVal Pres As Presentation)

    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Don't Start. "
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please Wait. " & Now
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "-- WAIT -- --"
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(191, 191, 191)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(Now, "HH:MM.SS AM/PM")
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)

End Sub

Private Sub App_SlideShowEnd(ByVal Pres As Presentation)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 138
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeHeading").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "The Current Time Is:"
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(191, 191, 191)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "-- -WAIT- -- "
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 75, 141)
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("MainTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please Wait. The time is: " & Now
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("SubTitle").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Please Wait. " & Now
    Pres.Slides(TimerSlideNumber).Shapes("CurrentTimeTimeString").TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(191, 191, 191)
End Sub


我认为你需要制作一个更简单但可重现的示例。当你甚至没有指出一两行代码没有按你期望的方式工作时,人们会费力地浏览你的代码,这太过分了。话虽如此,你可能只是遇到了 PPT 的一个怪癖。在对屏幕上的内容进行更改后,尝试使用


其中 x 是您更改的幻灯片的索引。如果这不起作用,请尝试添加幻灯片外的形状,然后在 GoToSlide 代码之前将其删除。这有时会强制刷新。
