尝试在 Docker 中将 Pi-hole 作为 DHCP 服务器运行,但 lighttpd 服务在端口 80 上与 OctoPrint 发生冲突

尝试在 Docker 中将 Pi-hole 作为 DHCP 服务器运行,但 lighttpd 服务在端口 80 上与 OctoPrint 发生冲突

我需要帮助在 Docker 中设置 Pi-Hole,以便与 Docker 中的 OctoPrint 一起运行。我在 Docker 中对 Pi-Hole 进行了初始设置:

  1. 拉出 Pi-Hole 容器
  2. 运行以下 bash 脚本:

# https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/blob/master/README.md

[[ -d "$PIHOLE_BASE" ]] || mkdir -p "$PIHOLE_BASE" || { echo "Couldn't create storage directory>

# Note: FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 should be replaced with your external ip.
docker run -d \
    --name pihole \
    -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    -e TZ="America/Chicago" \
    -v "${PIHOLE_BASE}/etc-pihole:/etc/pihole" \
    -v "${PIHOLE_BASE}/etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d" \
    --dns= --dns= \
    --net=host \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --hostname pi.hole \
    -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
    -e PROXY_LOCATION="pi.hole" \
    -e FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4="" \

printf 'Starting up pihole container '
for i in $(seq 1 20); do
    if [ "$(docker inspect -f "{{.State.Health.Status}}" pihole)" == "healthy" ] ; then
        printf ' OK'
        echo -e "\n$(docker logs pihole 2> /dev/null | grep 'password:') for your pi-hole: http>        exit 0
        sleep 3
        printf '.'

    if [ $i -eq 20 ] ; then
        echo -e "\nTimed out waiting for Pi-hole start, consult your container logs for more in>        exit 1

当我运行 bash 脚本时,它会超时,因此我检查日志以查看可能存在什么问题:

2024-01-03 15:08:28: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Address already in use
Stopping lighttpd
lighttpd: no process found

它说 lighttpd 与端口 80 上的另一个服务发生冲突,该服务将是 OctoPrint,因为我已经验证了这一点。因此,我将 lighttpd 监听的端口更改为端口 8000,方法是将 /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 编辑为以下内容(并重新启动 lig​​httpd 服务):

server.modules = (

server.document-root        = "/var/www/html"
server.upload-dirs          = ( "/var/cache/lighttpd/uploads" )
server.errorlog             = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"
server.pid-file             = "/run/lighttpd.pid"
server.username             = "www-data"
server.groupname            = "www-data"
server.port                 = 8000

# features
server.feature-flags       += ("server.h2proto" => "enable")
server.feature-flags       += ("server.h2c"     => "enable")
server.feature-flags       += ("server.graceful-shutdown-timeout" => 5)
#server.feature-flags       += ("server.graceful-restart-bg" => "enable")

# strict parsing and normalization of URL for consistency and security
# https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Server_http-parseoptsDetails
# (might need to explicitly set "url-path-2f-decode" = "disable"
#  if a specific application is encoding URLs inside url-path)
server.http-parseopts = (
  "header-strict"           => "enable",# default
  "host-strict"             => "enable",# default
  "host-normalize"          => "enable",# default
  "url-normalize-unreserved"=> "enable",# recommended highly
  "url-normalize-required"  => "enable",# recommended
  "url-ctrls-reject"        => "enable",# recommended
  "url-path-2f-decode"      => "enable",# recommended highly (unless breaks app)
 #"url-path-2f-reject"      => "enable",
  "url-path-dotseg-remove"  => "enable",# recommended highly (unless breaks app)
 #"url-path-dotseg-reject"  => "enable",
 #"url-query-20-plus"       => "enable",# consistency in query string

index-file.names            = ( "index.php", "index.html" )
url.access-deny             = ( "~", ".inc" )
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".fcgi" )

# default listening port for IPv6 falls back to the IPv4 port
include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/use-ipv6.pl " + server.port
include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/create-mime.conf.pl"
include "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*.conf"

#server.compat-module-load   = "disable"
server.modules += (

我得到了完全相同的错误,端口也是相同的,都是 80。

你可能还注意到,我对 bash 脚本做了一些小改动,我将 bash 脚本中的端口更改为 8000:8000,并添加了--net=host



我取得了一点进展。错误略有不同,似乎端口 80 上不再有冲突。运行我的启动脚本命令时的新输出sudo ./pihole_startup.sh如下:

gigoiy@multiserver:~ $ sudo ./pihole_startup.sh
WARNING: Localhost DNS setting (--dns= may fail in containers.
Starting up pihole container .......... OK
 for your pi-hole: http:///admin/

当我运行命令时sudo docker container ls

gigoiy@multiserver:~ $ sudo docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND      CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                               NAMES
750ebaa202b0   pihole/pihole:latest   "/s6-init"   47 seconds ago   Up 45 seconds (healthy)                                                       pihole
5527f2878f24   octoprint/octoprint    "/init"      54 minutes ago   Up 53 seconds             80/tcp,>5000/tcp, :::5000->5000/tcp   gigoiy_octoprint_1

ls请注意,pi-hole 容器的最后一列没有绑定 IP 和端口?

现在当我跑步时sudo docker logs pihole

2024-01-10 19:10:05: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
Stopping lighttpd
lighttpd: no process found
2024-01-10 19:10:07: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
Stopping lighttpd
lighttpd: no process found
2024-01-10 19:10:08: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
Stopping lighttpd
lighttpd: no process found
  Pi-hole version is v5.17.3 (Latest: v5.17.3)
  web version is v5.21 (Latest: v5.21)
  FTL version is v5.24 (Latest: v5.24)
  Container tag is: 2024.01.0

2024-01-10 19:10:09: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
Stopping lighttpd
lighttpd: no process found
2024-01-10 19:10:10: network.c.369) can't bind to socket: Cannot assign requested address
Stopping lighttpd


我还发现,我有一些闲置的 docker 容器隐藏起来占用了该端口,这可能是导致之前问题的原因。如果您能看到,它在抛出错误时也给了我正确的 ip,即主机 ip。

以下是更正后的 bash 脚本:


# https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/blob/master/README.md

[[ -d "$PIHOLE_BASE" ]] || mkdir -p "$PIHOLE_BASE" || { echo "Couldn't create storage directory: $PIHOLE_BASE"; exit 1; }

# Note: FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 should be replaced with your external ip.
docker run -d \
    --name pihole \
    -e TZ="America/Chicago" \
    -e DHCP_ACTIVE=true \
    -v "${PIHOLE_BASE}/etc-pihole:/etc/pihole" \
    -v "${PIHOLE_BASE}/etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d" \
    --dns= --dns= \
    --net=host \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --hostname pi.hole \
    -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
    -e PROXY_LOCATION="pi.hole" \
    -e FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4="" \

printf 'Starting up pihole container '
for i in $(seq 1 20); do
    if [ "$(docker inspect -f "{{.State.Health.Status}}" pihole)" == "healthy" ] ; then
        printf ' OK'
        echo -e "\n$(docker logs pihole 2> /dev/null | grep 'password:') for your pi-hole: http://${IP}/admin/"
        exit 0
        sleep 3
        printf '.'

    if [ $i -eq 20 ] ; then
        echo -e "\nTimed out waiting for Pi-hole start, consult your container logs for more info (\`docker logs pihole\`)"
        exit 1

我还认为 lighttpd 对我的问题没有影响,原因太多了,我懒得打出来,所以相信我吧。


如果删除--net=host,则可以使用以下格式进行端口转发,-p 8000:80/tcp其中 8000 是外部/主机端口,而 80 仅适用于该 docker 容器。

或者如果你需要保持主机模式:更改 lighttpd 设置里面使用docker环境变量来配置docker容器-e WEB_PORT=8000,但请注意:

这会破坏 Pi-hole 的“网页被阻止”功能,但是它可能有助于运行 synology 或 --net=host docker 参数的高级设置。

