在我的代码中我添加了呕吐代码进入 for 循环。但是,代码停在以下行:
ECHO [int]$Calculation.split("%MathType%")[0] %MathType% [int]$Calculation.split("%MathType%")[1] >> "%PSScript%"
[0] 此时是出乎意料的。
因此,我的问题是如何使代码在 for 循环中运行(例如循环遍历文件夹中的文件)?
ECHO [int]$Calculation.split("!MathType!")[0] !MathType! [int]$Calculation.split("!MathType!")[1] >> "!PSScript!"
SET "Calculation=3*1073741824"
SET "MathType=*"
SET PSScript=%temp%\PS~MathTemp.ps1
IF EXIST "%PSScript%" DEL /Q /F "%PSScript%"
ECHO $Calculation = "%Calculation%" > "%PSScript%"
ECHO [int]$Calculation.split("%MathType%")[0] %MathType% [int]$Calculation.split("%MathType%")[1] >> "%PSScript%"
For /F "Delims=" %%I IN (`Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%PSScript%'"`) Do Set "nCalc=%%I"
编辑:@io-io 解决了!为了完整起见,这是我的完整脚本。它扫描文件列表中的所有视频文件并使用 ffmpeg 处理它们。
REM Change the console encoding to UTF-8 (for Nordic characters).
chcp 65001 | echo/
set filelist=%1
echo %filelist%
REM Define ESC escape character
for /f %%d in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do (set "ESC=%%d")
REM Loop through all video files lists in a separate filelist
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in ("%filelist%") do (
call :StartTimer
set Bytes=%%~za
REM Below timestamp coding depends on locale setting on computer
set Timestamp=%%~ta
set TSYYYY=!Timestamp:~6,4!
set TSYY=!Timestamp:~8,2!
set TSMM=!Timestamp:~3,2!
set TSDD=!Timestamp:~0,2!
set TSHR=!Timestamp:~11,2!
set TSMIN=!Timestamp:~14,2!
REM Display information about input file
echo !ESC![92;103mInputfile="%%~fa"!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![92;103mInputfile size=!Bytes! Bytes!ESC![0m
REM Convert to MP4 if needed, and compress to iPhone supported HEVC format
echo !ESC![91mConvert %%~xa file to MP4 format, and compress to iPhone supported HEVC format!ESC![0m
ffmpeg -n -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -i "%%~fa" -vcodec libx265 -vsync 0 -vtag hvc1 -crf 28 "%%~dpna_!TSDato!-!TSTid!.mp4"
REM Reset Console command after running ffmpeg
chcp 65001 | echo/
REM Find size of new file
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%b IN ("%%~dpna_!TSDato!-!TSTid!.mp4") DO set OutBytes=%%~zb
**REM Find compression ratio new vs old file
SET "Calculation=!OutBytes!/!Bytes!"
SET "MathType=/"
SET PSScript=%temp%\PS~MathTemp.ps1
IF EXIST "!PSScript!" DEL /Q /F "!PSScript!"
ECHO $Calculation = "!Calculation!" > "!PSScript!"
ECHO [int]$Calculation.split("!MathType!"^)[0] !MathType! [int]$Calculation.split("!MathType!"^)[1] >> "!PSScript!"
FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS=" %%c IN (`Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '!PSScript!'"`) DO SET "Compression=%%c"**
REM Display compression summary
echo !ESC![42mSummary!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![32mInputfile="%%~fa"!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![32mInputfile size=!Bytes! Bytes!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![32mOutputfile="%%~dpna_!TSDato!-!TSTid!.mp4"!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![32mOutputfile size=!OutBytes! Bytes!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![32mCompression rate=!Compression!!ESC![0m
echo !ESC![42mFile "%%~a" optimisation complete!ESC![0m
REM Clean up. If new file created, delete original file
if NOT exist "%%~dpna_!TSDato!-!TSTid!.mp4" (
echo !ESC![33mNo optimization has been performed!ESC![0m
) else (
del "%%~fa"
echo !ESC![47;91mOriginal file has been DELETED!ESC![0m
call :StopTimer
call :DisplayTimerResult
REM pause >nul
echo. & echo All files optimised! & endlocal
REM https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4313897/timer-in-windows-batch-file
:: Store start time
set StartTIME=%TIME%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%f in (`echo %StartTIME: =0%`) do set /a Start100S=1%%f*360000+1%%g*6000+1%%h*100+1%%i-36610100
goto :EOF
:: Get the end time
set StopTIME=%TIME%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%f in (`echo %StopTIME: =0%`) do set /a Stop100S=1%%f*360000+1%%g*6000+1%%h*100+1%%i-36610100
:: Test midnight rollover. If so, add 1 day=8640000 1/100ths secs
if %Stop100S% LSS %Start100S% set /a Stop100S+=8640000
set /a TookTime=%Stop100S%-%Start100S%
set TookTimePadded=0%TookTime%
goto :EOF
:: Show timer start/stop/delta
echo Started: %StartTime%
echo Stopped: %StopTime%
echo Elapsed: %TookTime:~0,-2%.%TookTimePadded:~-2% seconds
goto :EOF```
@echo off
set "_Math=*"
set "_Calc=3*1073741824"
set "_PSSctr=%tmp%\PS~MathTemp.ps1"
2>nul del /q /f "%_PSSctr%"
> "%_PSSctr%" (
echo/$Calc = "%_Calc%"
echo/[int]$Calc.split("%_Math%"^)[0] %_Math% [int]$Calc.split("%_Math%"^)[1]
For /F "Usebackq Delims=" %%i in (`
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%_PSSctr%'"
`) do set "_nCalc=%%~i"
1.您对原始代码进行了更改,在原始循环的执行中更改" ' "
为" ` "
For /F
(' ... ')
(` ... `)
2.您需要的转义符位于echo ...
For /f