

如何在 latex 中输入下图所示的算法?我正在寻找解决方案,以解决这些从左到右再从右到左切换行号的问题。如何通过连续递增的数字来实现这一点?








    \Statex \textbf{Client (Proposer)}

    \Statex \textbf{Server (Acceptor)}


    \Statex \textit{Initialization} \dotfill


    \Statex \eqmakebox[lbox][l]{$c$} \textit{$\triangleleft$ command to execute}
    \Statex \eqmakebox[lbox][l]{$t = 0$} \textit{$\triangleleft$ ticket number to try}

    \Statex \eqmakebox[rbox][l]{$T_{\text{max}} = 0$} \textit{$\triangleleft$ largest issued ticket}
    \Statex \eqmakebox[rbox][l]{$C = {\perp}$} \textit{$\triangleleft$ stored command}
    \Statex \eqmakebox[rbox][l]{$T_{\text{store}} = 0$} \textit{$\triangleleft$ ticket used to store $C$}


    \Statex \textit{Phase 1} \dotfill


    \State $t = t + 1$
    \State Ask all servers for ticket~$t$

    \If{$t > T_{\text{max}}$}
      \State $T_{\text{max}} = t$
      \State Answer with $\texttt{ok}(T_{\text{store}}, C)$


    \Statex \textit{Phase 2} \dotfill


    \If{a majority answers \texttt{ok}}
      \State $\text{Pick}(T_{\text{store}}, C)$ with largest $T_{\text{store}}$
      \If{$T_{\text{store}} > 0$}
        \State $c = C$
      \State Send $\texttt{propose}(t, c)$ to same majority

    \If{$t = T_{\text{max}}$}
      \State $C = c$
      \State $T_{\text{store}} = t$
      \State Answer \texttt{success}



    \Statex \textit{Phase 3} \dotfill


    \If{a majority answers \texttt{success}}
      \State Send $\texttt{execute}(c)$ to every server




一点历史:我最初认为在\vboxes 中设置算法部分是一个简单的解决方案。但是,似乎我必须做一些技巧才能让algorithmicx状态脱离框框。但我让它工作了。但我对复杂性不满意,所以我想到通过操纵缩进来改变它。不幸的是,我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,所以它没有 100% 工作(我以为这algorithmicx曾经\ALG@tlm缩进代码。但这是在之后的附加缩进\leftskip。它有一些奇怪的副作用)。由于我没有更多时间,我发布了我的原始代码。回家后,我受到@Werner 解决方案的启发,并解决了它。基本上我只需要替换\ALG@tlm\leftskip可以让它工作。我也在宏\rightskip中进行了更改\Left,以便左侧列不会溢出到右侧列中。我对宏使用了@Werner 的\vspace{-\baseline}技巧\LeftRight

所以现在这里有解决方案,它基本上与@Werner 的一样,但使用了我在第一个解决方案中使用的宏。算法主体保持不变。只有宏发生了变化。





%%%% Macros for two column algorithms %%%%


  \setlength{\halfwidth}{0.5\textwidth-1em}% separation left/right = 2em

% \Left{ALG} sets ALG in the left hand column 
% This restricts the width of the column so that it doesn't overflow
% into the right hand column. If you want it to overflow, just leave out
% the \Left{} part.


% \Right{ALG} sets ALG in the right hand column 


% \LeftRight sets two parts next to each other. It has n optional
% parameter indicating how many lines the left hand part occupies
% (default 1)


% \TwoHeads sets two headers, one above each column

  \vskip2pt\LeftRight{\Statex \textbf{#1}}{\Statex \textbf{#2}}\vskip2pt}

% \Phase sets a text followed by dots across the full width

\newcommand{\Phase}[1]{\vskip2pt\Statex \emph{#1} \dotfill\par\vskip2pt}

% Redefine \Comment to use \triangleleft instead of \triangleright.
\algrenewcommand\algorithmiccomment[1]{\hfill$\triangleleft$ #1}%


  \TwoHeads{Client (Proposer)}{Server (Acceptor)}
  \LeftRight{\Statex $c$ \Comment{command to execute}}{\Statex $T_{max} = 0$ \Comment{largest issued ticket}}

  \Left{\Statex $t = 0$ \Comment{ticket number to try}}
  \Right{\Statex $C = \bot$ \Comment{stored command}}
  \Right{\Statex $T_{store} = 0$ \Comment{ticket used to store C}}

  \Phase{Phase 1}

    \State $t = t + 1$
    \State Ask all servers for ticket t
    \If {$t > T_{max}$}
    \State $T_{max} = t$
    \State Answer with ok($T_{store}, C$)

  \Phase{Phase 2}

    \If {a majority answers ok}
        \State Pick ($T_{store},C$) with largest $T_{store}$
        \If {$T_{store} > 0$}
            \State $c = C$
        \State Send propose($t, c$) to same majority    
    \If {$t = T_{max}$}
        \State $C = c$
        \State $T_{store} = t$
        \State Answer success

  \Phase {Phase 3}

    \If {a majority answers success}
        \State Send execute($c$) to every server








%%%% Code for two column algorithms %%%%

% This is done by typesetting the algorithm parts in a \vbox slightly
% less than half the \textwidth. However, this causes a problem:
% algorithmicx changes quite a number of "variables" while typesetting
% the algorithm. And when we leave the \vbox, by TeX's grouping
% mechanism, these are reset to the value they had when we entered the
% \vbox. There is one exception: counters, as these are global in LaTeX.
% So when we exit the \vbox, we have to take these values out of the
% box. We do this by copying them to globals at the end of the box, and
% then with \aftergroup we copy these globals back to the variables.
% I hope the following code covers all required variables.
% It would have beenm much easier if algorithmicx would have treated
% these "variables" as globals, which I think is possible.


  \expandafter\expandafter \expandafter\global \expandafter\expandafter \expandafter\let
  \expandafter\expandafter \csname Global@#1@#2\endcsname \csname #1@#2\endcsname
  \expandafter\expandafter \expandafter\let \expandafter\expandafter \csname #1@#2\endcsname
      \csname Global@#1@#2\endcsname
  \ifx#1\@undefined UNDEF\else
  \ifx#1\relax UNDEF\else#1\fi\fi

  \globalrestoreone{ALG@b@\ALG@L}{\substundefined\ALG@thisentity @\substundefined\ALG@thisblock}%

  \globalsaveone{ALG@b@\ALG@L}{\substundefined\ALG@thisentity @\substundefined\ALG@thisblock}%

%%% End of Restore part.



% \Left sets the algorithm in the left hand half
% \Right sets the algorithm in the right hand half
% \LeftRight sets two parts next to each other
% \TwoHeads sets two headers, one above each half
% \Phase sets a text followed by dots across the full width


\newcommand{\TwoHeads}[2]{\vskip2pt\Statex \makebox[\halfwidthplus][l]{\textbf{#1}}\textbf{#2}\vskip2pt}
\newcommand{\Phase}[1]{\vskip2pt\Statex{\emph{#1} \dotfill}\par\vskip10pt}


  \TwoHeads{Client (Proposer)}{Server (Acceptor)}
  \LeftRight{\Statex $c$ \Comment{command to execute}}{\Statex $T_{max} = 0$ \Comment{largest issued ticket}}

  \Left{\Statex $t = 0$ \Comment{ticket number to try}}
  \Right{\Statex $C = \bot$ \Comment{stored command}}
  \Right{\Statex $T_{store} = 0$ \Comment{ticket used to store C}}

  \Phase{Phase 1}

    \State $t = t + 1$
    \State Ask all servers for ticket t
    \If {$t > T_{max}$}
    \State $T_{max} = t$
    \State Answer with ok($T_{store}, C$)

  \Phase{Phase 2}

    \If {a majority answers ok}
        \State Pick ($T_{store},C$) with largest $T_{store}$
        \If {$T_{store} > 0$}
            \State $c = C$
        \State Send propose($t, c$) to same majority    
    \If {$t = T_{max}$}
        \State $C = c$
        \State $T_{store} = t$
        \State Answer success

  \Phase {Phase 3}

    \If {a majority answers success}
        \State Send execute($c$) to every server


美学注解$T_{max}$当给出时,诸如 之类的东西看起来会好一些$T_{\mathit{max}}$
