Autohotkey:无法获取 pdf 文件的名称和路径

Autohotkey:无法获取 pdf 文件的名称和路径

以下代码在按下 ctrl+shift+c 后从文件中获取选定的文本,并将其名称和路径附加到其中,然后将其复制到剪贴板。它适用于 .txt 文件,但不适用于 pdf 文件。我该如何让它适用于pdf文件?

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; **Hotkey to trigger the script**

ClipWait, 1  ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text (timeout after 1 second).

; Retrieve the active window title (potential file name)
WinGetActiveTitle, active_title

; Check if the window title appears relevant to a file
if (RegExMatch(active_title, ".*\.(pdf|txt|doc|docx|...)"))  ; Adjust file extensions as needed

  ; Extract the file name and path from the title
  if (RegExMatch(active_title, ".*\\(.*\.(pdf|txt|doc|docx|...))", matches))

    file_name := matches1
    file_path := matches2

    ; Combine file name, full path, and copied text
    clipboard := file_path . "\" . file_name . "`r`n" . clipboard

    MsgBox, No file name or path found in window title.
  ; Not a relevant file, so copy just the text
  Send, ^c





#SingleInstance force 
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

; Get the path of the recent items folder
RegRead, Recent, HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders, Recent

            RETURN   ; === end of auto-execute section ===

#IfWinActive - Drawboard PDF ahk_class ApplicationFrameWindow

    ; Press F1 to get the name and path of the pdf file opened in the active DrawboardPDF window:

        WinGetActiveTitle, active_title
        active_title := StrSplit(active_title," ‎- Drawboard PDF").1
        If FileExist(Recent "\" active_title ".lnk")
            FileGetShortcut, %Recent%\%active_title%.lnk, path
            MsgBox, Name = "%active_title%"`nPath = "%path%"
            MsgBox, path not found

#IfWinActive    ; turn off context sensitivity
