我正在为中风患者在 autohotkey 中设计一款仅供左手使用的键盘代码。我需要使用空格键作为切换按钮。因此,当按下空格键时,它会改变下一个按下的键的输出。目前我只能找到当用另一个键按下时的代码。请参见下文:
;QWERTY half-keyboard emulator
SetKeyDelay, 50
mirror_1 = 0
mirror_2 = 9
mirror_3 = 8
mirror_4 = 7
mirror_5 = 6
mirror_q = p
mirror_w = o
mirror_e = i
mirror_r = u
mirror_t = y
mirror_a = `;
mirror_s = l
mirror_d = k
mirror_f = j
mirror_g = h
mirror_z = /
mirror_x = .
mirror_c = ,
mirror_v = m
mirror_b = n
mirror_6 = 5
mirror_7 = 4
mirror_8 = 3
mirror_9 = 2
mirror_0 = 1
mirror_y = t
mirror_u = r
mirror_i = e
mirror_o = w
mirror_p = q
mirror_h = g
mirror_j = f
mirror_k = d
mirror_l = s
mirror_n = b
mirror_m = v
;This key may help, as the space-on-up may get annoying, especially if you type fast.
Control & Space::Suspend
;These keys are optional, but they may help if you are typing on the left-hand side.
CapsLock::Send, {BackSpace}
;Capslock is backspace and Shift+Capslock works for Capslock.
Space & `::Send, {-}
Space & CapsLock::Send, {Enter}
;If spacebar didn't modify anything, send a real space keystroke upon release.
Send {space}
space & 1::
space & 2::
space & 3::
space & 4::
space & 5::
space & q::
space & w::
space & e::
space & r::
space & t::
space & a::
space & s::
space & d::
space & f::
space & g::
space & z::
space & x::
space & c::
space & v::
space & b::
space & `;::
space & ,::
space & .::
space & /::
space & 6::
space & 7::
space & 8::
space & 9::
space & 0::
space & y::
space & u::
space & i::
space & o::
space & p::
space & h::
space & j::
space & k::
space & l::
space & n::
space & m::
;Determine the mirror key, if there is one:
if A_ThisHotkey = space & `;
MirrorKey = a
else if A_ThisHotkey = space & ,
MirrorKey = c
else if A_ThisHotkey = space & .
MirrorKey = x
else if A_ThisHotkey = space & /
MirrorKey = z
else ; To avoid runtime errors due to invalid var names, do this part last.
StringRight, ThisKey, A_ThisHotkey, 1
StringTrimRight, MirrorKey, mirror_%ThisKey%, 0 ; Retrieve "array" element.
if MirrorKey = ; No mirror, script probably needs adjustment.
Modifiers =
GetKeyState, state1, LWin
GetKeyState, state2, RWin
state = %state1%%state2%
if state <> UU ; At least one Windows key is down.
Modifiers = %Modifiers%#
GetKeyState, state1, Control
if state1 = D
Modifiers = %Modifiers%^
GetKeyState, state1, Alt
if state1 = D
Modifiers = %Modifiers%!
GetKeyState, state1, Shift
if state1 = D
Modifiers = %Modifiers%+
Send %Modifiers%{%MirrorKey%}