如何配置 WSL2 网络设置以访问 Azure 专用终结点?

如何配置 WSL2 网络设置以访问 Azure 专用终结点?

我在私有端点上有一个 Azure 密钥保管库资源,在 WSL2 上运行我的项目时无法访问它(在 Windows 上可以正常工作)。我尝试更新配置文件(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl-config),但没有成功。有没有办法配置 WSL 网络设置以进入私有链接?这是我的错误消息:

azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (Forbidden) Public network access is disabled and request is not from a trusted service nor via an approved private link.
Caller: xxx
Vault: keyvault-xxx
Code: Forbidden
Message: Public network access is disabled and request is not from a trusted service nor via an approved private link.
Caller: xxx
Vault: keyvault-xxx
Inner error: {
    "code": "ForbiddenByConnection"

