使用 stow 忽略目录

使用 stow 忽略目录


cd ~/Utility/configs
for file in *; do
  # Only run Stow on the directories in the dotfiles folder and not the individual files.
  # Using 'basename' strips the filepath from the directory name. 
  if [ -d ${file} ]; then
    stow  $(basename $file) -t ~/
    echo "$(basename $file) stowed."; 


tree . -a  -L 2
├── .stow-local-ignore
├── .vim
│   ├── autoload
│   ├── plugged
│   └── UltiSnips
└── .vimrc



但这并没有达到预期目的,并且插入总是被收起。基本上, ~/.vim/ 里面的内容都在 里面~/Utility/configs/vim/.vim。这是我不想要的。我特别想要仅有的 autoload并且Ultisnips可以存放,没有别的。


注意:我以 vim 为例,但这与 vim 无关,而是与 stow 相关。所以我在这里发帖,而不是在 vim 频道。


Stowing contents of Utility/configs/vim (cwd=/home/rudra)
  => Utility/configs/vim
  link_task_action(.): no task
  dir_task_action(.): no task
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.): prefix 
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.): returning false
  is_a_node(.): really exists
  Using ignore file: Utility/configs/vim/.stow-local-ignore
    Ignore list regexp for paths:    /(?^:(^|/)(\.vim/spell|^/\.stow\-local\-ignore$|\.vim/plugged)(/|$))/
    Ignore list regexp for segments: none
  Not ignoring .vimrc
Stowing Utility/configs / vim / .vimrc
  => Utility/configs/vim/.vimrc
  link_task_action(.vimrc): no task
  is_a_link(.vimrc): returning 0
  link_task_action(.vimrc): no task
  dir_task_action(.vimrc): no task
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.vimrc): prefix .vimrc
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.vimrc): returning false
  is_a_node(.vimrc): returning false
LINK: .vimrc => Utility/configs/vim/.vimrc
  Using ignore file: Utility/configs/vim/.stow-local-ignore
    Using memoized regexps from Utility/configs/vim/.stow-local-ignore
    Ignore list regexp for paths:    /(?^:(^|/)(\.vim/spell|^/\.stow\-local\-ignore$|\.vim/plugged)(/|$))/
    Ignore list regexp for segments: none
  Ignoring path /.stow-local-ignore
  Using ignore file: Utility/configs/vim/.stow-local-ignore
    Using memoized regexps from Utility/configs/vim/.stow-local-ignore
    Ignore list regexp for paths:    /(?^:(^|/)(\.vim/spell|^/\.stow\-local\-ignore$|\.vim/plugged)(/|$))/
    Ignore list regexp for segments: none
  Not ignoring .vim
Stowing Utility/configs / vim / .vim
  => Utility/configs/vim/.vim
  link_task_action(.vim): no task
  is_a_link(.vim): returning 0
  link_task_action(.vim): no task
  dir_task_action(.vim): no task
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.vim): prefix .vim
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.vim): returning false
  is_a_node(.vim): returning false
LINK: .vim => Utility/configs/vim/.vim
Planning stow of package vim... done


 mv vim/.stow-local-ignore ~/
stow -D vim --verbose=2
stow dir is /home/rudra/Utility/configs
stow dir path relative to target /home/rudra/Utility is configs
Planning unstow of package vim...
CONFLICT when unstowing vim: existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .vimrc
.vim did not exist to be unstowed
Planning unstow of package vim... done
WARNING! unstowing vim would cause conflicts:
  * existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .vimrc
All operations aborted.

cd vim/
stow -D .vim --verbose=2
stow dir is /home/rudra/Utility/configs/vim
stow dir path relative to target /home/rudra/Utility/configs is vim
Planning unstow of package .vim...
UltiSnips did not exist to be unstowed
autoload did not exist to be unstowed
plugged did not exist to be unstowed
Planning unstow of package .vim... done
Processing tasks...

stow -D .vimrc --verbose=2
stow dir is /home/rudra/Utility/configs/vim
stow dir path relative to target /home/rudra/Utility/configs is vim
stow: ERROR: The stow directory vim does not contain package .vimrc
cd ..
ll ~/.vim*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rudra rudra  24 Apr 30 16:16 /home/rudra/.vim -> Utility/configs/vim/.vim
-rw-------. 1 rudra rudra 13K Apr 30 16:17 /home/rudra/.viminfo
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 rudra rudra  26 Apr 30 16:10 /home/rudra/.vimrc -> Utility/configs/vim/.vimrc
unlink ~/.vim
unlink ~/.vimrc
cp ~/.stow-local-ignore vim/
stow vim -t ~/ --verbose=2
stow dir is /home/rudra/Utility/configs
stow dir path relative to target /home/rudra is Utility/configs
Planning stow of package vim...
LINK: .vimrc => Utility/configs/vim/.vimrc
LINK: .vim => Utility/configs/vim/.vim
Planning stow of package vim... done
Processing tasks...
Processing tasks... done
tree ~/.vim -L 1
├── autoload
├── plugged
└── UltiSnips






因此,将 a 添加.stow-local-ignore到目录时请遵循以下工作流程:

  1. 确保该目录是不是收起。
  2. 添加.stow-local-ignore文件。
  3. 存放目录。

