第五次源 .zshrc 需要明显比第一次更多的时间

第五次源 .zshrc 需要明显比第一次更多的时间

昨天我正在编写一个 shell 脚本,需要获取 .zshrc 来更新当前的 zsh shell。

我发现源代码过程需要更多时间,因为我继续这样做source .zshrc


. file [ arg ... ]
       Read commands from file and execute them in the current shell environment.

       If file does not contain a slash, or if PATH_DIRS is set, the shell looks in the components of $path to find the directory containing file.  Files in the current  directory
       are  not  read unless `.' appears somewhere in $path.  If a file named `file.zwc' is found, is newer than file, and is the compiled form (created with the zcompile builtin)
       of file, then commands are read from that file instead of file.

       If any arguments arg are given, they become the positional parameters; the old positional parameters are restored when the file is done executing.  However, if no arguments
       are given, the positional parameters remain those of the calling context, and no restoring is done.

       If  file  was  not found the return status is 127; if file was found but contained a syntax error the return status is 126; else the return status is the exit status of the
       last command executed.
source file [ arg ... ]
       Same as `.', except that the current directory is always searched and is always searched first, before directories in $path.



source(来自 csh)或.(来自 Bourne shell)是 shell 的内置命令,它们请求 shellread并解释作为参数传递的文件中存储的 shell 代码。






PS4='%D{%T.%3.} %N:%i> '; set -o xtrace; source ~/.zshrc

