


runAs="X094174"@@@format="excel2007"@@@path="/Path1"@@@name="X143122"@@@name="X182881"@@@name="X094174"@@@address="[email protected]"@@@address="[email protected]"@@@AgentLoc="/loc1"

我想获取这种格式的数据,更像是数据库表 - 列/行格式。

runAs      format       path       AgentLoc    name      address    
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X143122   [email protected]   
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X182881   [email protected]
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X094174



runAs      format       path       AgentLoc    name      address    

X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X143122      
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X182881   
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1       X094174
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1                 [email protected]
X094174    excel2007    /Path1     /loc1                 [email protected]



$ cat dat
runAs="X094174"@@@format="excel2007"@@@path="/Path1"@@@name="X143122"@@@name="X182881"@@@name="X094174"@@@address="[email protected]"@@@address="[email protected]"@@@AgentLoc="/loc1"


$ awk -F '@@@' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ print $i } }' dat > tmp.dat


$ awk -F '=' '{
  } END{
    for(i in head){
      printf i"\t"
    print "";
      for(i in dat){
        split(i, arr_i, SUBSEP);
        for(i in head){
            printf dat[i,1]"\t"
            printf dat[i,j]"\t"
        print ""
  }' tmp.dat | awk -F '\t' '{ for(i=1;i<NF;i++){ printf $i"\t" } print $NF }' > dat.xls

$ cat dat.xls
runAs   format  address AgentLoc        name    path
"X094174"       "excel2007"     "[email protected]" "/loc1" "X143122"       "/Path1"
"X094174"       "excel2007"     "[email protected]" "/loc1" "X182881"       "/Path1"
"X094174"       "excel2007"             "/loc1" "X094174"       "/Path1"






从 Java 11 开始有这个直接从文本文件运行 Java 代码的巧妙功能,那么为什么不使用 Java 来解决这个问题呢?

假设您安装了 Java 11,请将下面的代码保存为ConvertToTable.java,然后在终端会话中运行它,如下所示:

java ConvertToTable.java < /path/to/input.txt | tee /path/to/output.txt

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * <p>
 * Reads STDIN, converts it to the desired table representation, and writes the result to STDOUT.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Assumes that the incoming data uses the system character set and the system line separator.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Requires Java 11. Example invocation in Bash:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * java ConvertToTable.java < /path/to/input.txt | tee /path/to/output.txt
 * </pre>
 * @author eomanis
public class ConvertToTable {

    private static final Pattern FIELD_SEPARATOR_INPUT = Pattern.compile( "@@@", Pattern.LITERAL );
    private static final Pattern KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = Pattern.compile( "=", Pattern.LITERAL );
    private static final Pattern VALUE_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = Pattern.compile( "^\"(.*)\"$" ); // Captures the value in capturing group 1

    private static final String FIELD_SEPARATOR_OUTPUT = "\t";

    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        Matcher matcherValueInDoubleQuotes = VALUE_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES.matcher( "" );
        Map<String, List<String>> keysAndValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // A map that maps a key to a list of values
        boolean firstLine = true;
        String line;
        String[] keyAndValue;
        String key;
        String value;
        int outputLinesCount;

        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) )) {

            // Read and convert the incoming data, one line at a time
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // For each line...

                // Discard the previous line's data
                keysAndValues.values().stream().forEach( List::clear );

                // Collect the line's keys and values into the map
                for (String field : FIELD_SEPARATOR_INPUT.split( line )) { // For each key=value in the text line...
                    keyAndValue = KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR.split( field, 2 ); // Split key=value into key and value
                    key = keyAndValue[0];
                    value = keyAndValue[1];

                    // Strip the double quotes from the value
                    if (matcherValueInDoubleQuotes.reset( value ).matches()) {
                        value = matcherValueInDoubleQuotes.group( 1 );

                    // Add the value to the key's list of values
                    if (!keysAndValues.containsKey( key )) { // If required, create a new empty list in the map for the key
                        keysAndValues.put( key, new ArrayList<>() );
                    keysAndValues.get( key ).add( value );

                // First line: Generate and write the column headers (assume that the first line contains all possible keys)
                if (firstLine) {
                    firstLine = false;
                    String columnHeaders = keysAndValues.keySet().stream().collect( Collectors.joining( FIELD_SEPARATOR_OUTPUT ) );
                    System.out.println( columnHeaders );

                // Figure out how many output lines we will be writing for the single input line
                outputLinesCount = keysAndValues.values().stream().mapToInt( List::size ).max().getAsInt();
                // Write the output line(s)
                for (int index = 0; index < outputLinesCount; index++) {
                    int indexFinal = index;
                    String outputLine = keysAndValues.values().stream() //
                            .map( list -> getValue( indexFinal, list ) ) //
                            .collect( Collectors.joining( FIELD_SEPARATOR_OUTPUT ) );
                    System.out.println( outputLine );
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException( e );

     * @return The value for the given index, with certain workarounds
    private static String getValue( int index, List<String> values ) {

        if (values.isEmpty()) {
            // The text line did not contain the key at all
            return "";
        } else if (values.size() == 1) {
            // Value of a key that occurred exactly once in the text line: These are repeated on all output rows
            return values.get( 0 );
        } else {
            // Value of a key that occurred multiple times in the text line: Only print them for their respective output row
            return (index < values.size()) ? values.get( index ) : "";
