如何将提示设置为 256 色?我正在寻找与 bash 提示符等效的内容:
local DEFAULT="\[\033[0;39m\]"
local ROOK="\[\033[38;5;24m\]"
PS1="${ROOK}\$${DEFAULT} "
export PS1='%F{214}%K{123}%m%k%f'
从man zshmisc
%F (%f)
Start (stop) using a different foreground colour, if supported by the terminal. The colour may be specified two ways: either as a numeric argument, as normal, or by a sequence in braces following the %F, for example %F{red}. In the latter case the values allowed are as described for the fg zle_highlight attribute; see Char‐
acter Highlighting in zshzle(1). This means that numeric colours are allowed in the second format also.
%K (%k)
Start (stop) using a different bacKground colour. The syntax is identical to that for %F and %f.
$> print -P '%F{214}%K{123}%m%k%f'
首先,确保您的终端支持 256 色,我想您已经具备了。其次,使用PS1
export PS1='%{^[[01;38;05;214;48;05;123m%}%m%{^[[0m%} '
这将为您提供主机名以粗体显示的提示,前景色为 214,背景色为 123。
通过键入Ctrl+v和Ctrl+来“输入”的[。请参阅这篇优秀文章“那个 256 色的东西" 获取完整的属性列表。