



for i in `find .`; do grep searched_string "$i"; done;




grep pattern_search . # 在当前目录上执行普通的 grep

grep pattern_search * # 对当前目录中的所有通配文件使用普通 grep

grep -R pattern_search . # 在当前目录中使用递归搜索

grep -H pattern_search *# 当文件超过一个时打印文件名。 '-H'

其他选项例如(来自 gnu 手册):

    If an input file is a directory, use action to process it. By default, 
    action is ‘read’, which means that directories are read just as if they 
    were ordinary files (some operating systems and file systems disallow 
    this, and will cause grep to print error messages for every directory 
    or silently skip them). If action is ‘skip’, directories are silently 
    skipped. If action is ‘recurse’, grep reads all files under each 
    directory, recursively; this is equivalent to the ‘-r’ option. 
    Skip files whose base name matches glob (using wildcard matching). A 
    file-name glob can use ‘*’, ‘?’, and ‘[’...‘]’ as wildcards, and \ to 
    quote a wildcard or backslash character literally. 
    Skip files whose base name matches any of the file-name globs read from 
    file (using wildcard matching as described under ‘--exclude’). 
    Exclude directories matching the pattern dir from recursive directory 
    Process a binary file as if it did not contain matching data; this is 
    equivalent to the ‘--binary-files=without-match’ option. 
    Search only files whose base name matches glob (using wildcard matching 
    as described under ‘--exclude’). 
    For each directory mentioned on the command line, read and process all 
    files in that directory, recursively. This is the same as the 
    --directories=recurse option.
    Print the file name for each match. This is the default when there is 
    more than one file to search. 



find . -name 'whatever*' -exec grep -H searched_string {} \;


在 Chris Card 的答案的基础上,我自己使用: xargs 中的with 组合find . -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -H searched_string 确保文件名中的空格得到正确处理。告诉xargs 在命令行上至少给出一个文件名。如果我想要固定字符串(没有正则表达式),我通常也会使用它,这样会快一点。-print0-0-rfgrep

使用find . -print0 | xargs -0 cmd速度比find . -exec cmd {} \;.它比 -exec+ 稍慢find . -exec cmd {} +,但比 -exec+ 用法更广泛。


如果在命令中添加 /dev/null,您还将获得该字符串匹配的文件名:

for i in `find .`; do grep searched_string "$i" /dev/null ; done;
