我有一个项目,其中自动生成 zsh 补全函数。在我的工作过程中,我发现了一些极端情况和错误,我只是将其写下来,并确保在进行更改时重新测试。显然,我想编写一个合适的测试套件,但我不知道如何编写。
对于 bash 完成,测试非常简单——设置COMP_*
.我想为 zsh 做类似的事情。
我已尽我所能阅读 compsys 文档,但没有看到解决方案。
在 Zsh 中测试完成情况要复杂一些。这是因为 Zsh 的完成命令只能从完成小部件内部运行,而该小部件又只能在 Zsh 行编辑器处于活动状态时调用。为了能够在脚本内完成补全,我们需要使用所谓的伪终端,其中我们可以有一个活动命令行来激活完成小部件:
# Set up your completions as you would normally.
compdef _my-command my-command
_my-command () {
_arguments '--help[display help text]' # Just an example.
# Define our test function.
comptest () {
# Add markup to make the output easier to parse.
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors \
'no=<COMPLETION>' 'lc=' 'rc=' 'ec=</COMPLETION>'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format \
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format \
# Bind a custom widget to TAB.
bindkey '^I' complete-word
zle -C {,,}complete-word
complete-word () {
# Make the completion system believe we're on a
# normal command line, not in vared.
unset 'compstate[vared]'
# Add a delimiter before and after the completions.
# Use of ^B and ^C as delimiters here is arbitrary.
# Just use something that won't normally be printed.
compadd -x $'\C-B'
_main_complete "$@"
compadd -J -last- -x $'\C-C'
vared -c tmp
zmodload zsh/zpty # Load the pseudo terminal module.
zpty {,}comptest # Create a new pty and run our function in it.
# Simulate a command being typed, ending with TAB to get completions.
zpty -w comptest $'my-command --h\t'
# Read up to the first delimiter. Discard all of this.
zpty -r comptest REPLY $'*\C-B'
zpty -r comptest REPLY $'*\C-C' # Read up to the second delimiter.
# Print out the results.
print -r -- "${REPLY%$'\C-C'}" # Trim off the ^C, just in case.
zpty -d comptest # Delete the pty.
<COMPLETION>--help display help text</COMPLETION>