在 Debian 上桥接 WiFi 和以太网,具有独立的 WWAN

在 Debian 上桥接 WiFi 和以太网,具有独立的 WWAN


+-----+     +--------------------+           +----------------------+          +---------------+
|     |     | ISP's Modem/Router |           | Debian Box with      | <--GbE-- |               |
| ISP | <-- |  (opposite corner  | <--WiFi-- | USB WiFi adapter and | <--GbE-- | Local Network |
|     |     |    of the house)   |           | 8-port GbE switch    | <--GbE-- |               |
+-----+     +--------------------+           +----------------------+          +---------------+



+-----+     +--------------------+           +---------------------------+           +---------------+
|     |     | ISP's Modem/Router |           | Debian Box with           | <--GbE--- |               |
| ISP | <-- |  (opposite corner  | <--WiFi-- | TWO USB WiFi adapters and | <--GbE--- | Local Network |
|     |     |    of the house)   |           | 8-port GbE switch         | <--WiFi-- |               |
+-----+     +--------------------+           +---------------------------+           +---------------+

本质上,我只是在同一个本地网络中用 WiFi 替换较长的电线。总体结果应该就像标准 WiFi 路由器将其 WAN 端口转换为单独的 WiFi 适配器一样,因为有线和无线的本地组合表现为单个网络,我可以通过匹配“路由器的”来将任何东西连接到它。 “ SSID 和密码。 (本例中的“路由器”指的是 Debian 机器,而不是 ISP 的调制解调器/路由器。)

这是到目前为止我的 Debian 盒子的配置文件,当前生成了顶部图表。问题是在插入第二个WiFi适配器后如何修改它们,以生成第二个图,并保证两个适配器不会交换角色。 (目前连接到 ISP 的那个声称也支持 AP 模式,但在尝试时就崩溃了。所以我想保留那个当前的角色,并让新的一个作为新的 AP。)


# Affects several other files:
# /etc/dnsmasq.conf
# /etc/network/interfaces
# /root/Scripts/Startup-Network.sh

# BPI-R1 VLAN configuration #
# This will create the following ethernet port:
# - eth0.101 = LAN (5 port switch)

ifconfig eth0 up

# The swconfig port number are:
# |2|1|0|4|  |3|
# (looking at front of ports)

swconfig dev eth0 set reset 1
swconfig dev eth0 set enable_vlan 1
swconfig dev eth0 vlan 101 set ports '4 0 1 2 3 8t'
swconfig dev eth0 set apply 1

exit 0


# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# eth0.x matches the 'vlan x set ports' line(s) in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/swconfig

auto eth0.101

# dhcp configuration
#iface eth0.101 inet dhcp

# static ip configuration
iface eth0.101 inet static
        address    # (not my actual IP, but you get the idea)
#        gateway

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
        wpa-ssid <ISP's SSID>
        wpa-psk  <ISP's password>


# eth0.x matches the 'vlan x set ports' line(s) in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/swconfig


# normal DHCP


# special, need to be found easily

# Static1 (by MAC address instead of hostname, so that a replacement can exist simultaneously for a while)

# Static2 (by MAC address instead of hostname, so that a replacement can exist simultaneously for a while)

# Static3 (by MAC address instead of hostname, so that a replacement can exist simultaneously for a while)


# Match settings in /etc/network/interfaces


# Actual work

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface $IFACE_WAN -j MASQUERADE
iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface $IFACE_LAN -j ACCEPT




+-----+     +--------------------+           +---------------------------+           +---------------+
|     |     | ISP's Modem/Router |           | Debian Box with           | <--GbE--- |               |
| ISP | <-- |  (opposite corner  | <--WiFi-- | TWO USB WiFi adapters and | <--GbE--- | Local Network |
|     |     |    of the house)   |           | 8-port GbE switch         | <--WiFi-- |               |
+-----+     +--------------------+           +---------------------------+           +---------------+


+-----+     +--------------------+           +-------------------------------+               +---------------------------+           +---------------+
|     |     | ISP's Modem/Router |           | Raspberry Pi Model A with     |               | Off-the-Shelf WiFi Router | <--GbE--- |               |
| ISP | <-- |  (opposite corner  | <--WiFi-- | USB 2.0 Dock (includes Enet)  | <--100baseT-- | with different subnet     | <--GbE--- | Local Network |
|     |     |    of the house)   |           | and USB WiFi adapter          |               | from ISP's network        | <--WiFi-- |               |
+-----+     +--------------------+           +-------------------------------+               +---------------------------+           +---------------+

我有 Pi A、Dock、CanaKit(“Pi 官方”?) USB WiFi 适配器,还有路由器,所以它实际上是免费的。 Pi 甚至由扩展坞供电,所以这也很好。我特别想知道按照今天的标准,我要用一个动力不足的 Pi 做什么,但它在这里似乎做得很好,因为我的互联网速度慢且便宜。

现在我有原来的 Debian Box(一个 Banana Pi R1,或“绝对不是想要的路由器”),未使用并可用于其他用途。

在多次尝试使用 NAT 和 DCHP 等将 RasPi 变成自己的路由器失败后,只是为了将现成的路由器作为唯一的客户端(很多过时的教程来做到这一点,但不工作,因为 RPi 操作系统现在工作方式不同;但没有什么可说的,甚至没有发布日期),我决定尝试一个实际的桥。 这个脚本“刚刚起作用”(从该网站逐字复制):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

[ $EUID -ne 0 ] && echo "run as root" >&2 && exit 1

# You should not need to update anything below this line #

# parprouted  - Proxy ARP IP bridging daemon
# dhcp-helper - DHCP/BOOTP relay agent

apt update && apt install -y parprouted dhcp-helper

systemctl stop dhcp-helper
systemctl enable dhcp-helper

# Enable ipv4 forwarding.
sed -i'' s/#net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/ /etc/sysctl.conf

# Service configuration for standard WiFi connection. Connectivity will
# be lost if the username and password are incorrect.
systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service

# Enable IP forwarding for wlan0 if it's not already enabled.
grep '^option ip-forwarding 1$' /etc/dhcpcd.conf || printf "option ip-forwarding 1\n" >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf

# Disable dhcpcd control of eth0.
grep '^denyinterfaces eth0$' /etc/dhcpcd.conf || printf "denyinterfaces eth0\n" >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf

# Configure dhcp-helper.
cat > /etc/default/dhcp-helper <<EOF

# Enable avahi reflector if it's not already enabled.
sed -i'' 's/#enable-reflector=no/enable-reflector=yes/' /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
grep '^enable-reflector=yes$' /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf || {
  printf "something went wrong...\n\n"
  printf "Manually set 'enable-reflector=yes in /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf'\n"

# I have to admit, I do not understand ARP and IP forwarding enough to explain
# exactly what is happening here. I am building off the work of others. In short
# this is a service to forward traffic from WiFi to Ethernet.
cat <<'EOF' >/usr/lib/systemd/system/parprouted.service
Description=proxy arp routing service
Requires=sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device dhcpcd.service
After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device dhcpcd.service

# Restart until wlan0 gained carrier
# clone the dhcp-allocated IP to eth0 so dhcp-helper will relay for the correct subnet
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c '/sbin/ip addr add $(/sbin/ip -4 -br addr show wlan0 | /bin/grep -Po "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+")/32 dev eth0'
ExecStartPre=/sbin/ip link set dev eth0 up
ExecStartPre=/sbin/ip link set wlan0 promisc on
ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/parprouted eth0 wlan0
ExecStopPost=/sbin/ip link set wlan0 promisc off
ExecStopPost=/sbin/ip link set dev eth0 down
ExecStopPost=/bin/bash -c '/sbin/ip addr del $(/sbin/ip -4 -br addr show wlan0 | /bin/grep -Po "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+")/32 dev eth0'


systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable parprouted
systemctl start parprouted dhcp-helper

对新 Pi 进行常规设置,包括连接到上游 WiFi 并完全更新,然后以 root/sudo 身份运行该脚本,然后重新启动。完毕!


现成的本地路由器现在的行为就好像其 WAN/Internet 端口直接连接到 ISP 的 WiFi(中间的 Pi 是完全透明的),然后它从那里开始执行其设计为 WiFi 路由器的功能。我想象 ISP 的路由器在 WiFi 上看到 2 个客户端 - Pi 和我的路由器 - 但我不觉得有必要检查。


我还为 Pi 设置了一个 cron 作业,每周自动更新和重启一次,只是为了获取最新的安全补丁。我不知道系统中的那个人可能会做什么(至少“切断电源线”),但我也不想知道。另外,为了安全起见,我禁用了 SSH,并使用串行控制台,以及我在管理 PC 上也有的 USB UART。

剩下要做的唯一一件事就是再次设置 GPIO 触发的 UPS 关闭,因为该 UPS 没有 USB,但我确实有一个额外的 5V“墙疣”插入非 UPS 电源。串联电阻(希望)可以防止损坏,它实际上连接在 Pi 的 +5V 和 GPIO 引脚(根本没有 GND)之间,因此“未通电”应该浮动到 Pi 的 +3.3V 并保持在那里,留下 1.7 V 穿过未通电的墙疣。如果使用 3V 壁挂式插座会更好,但我没有。
