目前我正在使用Arch。 Pacman 是一个很棒的包管理器,但是我可以让 pacman 搜索看起来更好吗(pacman -Ss)。例如,如果我搜索一个包,它会给我这样的结果:
extra/foomatic-db-engine 4:20200206-1
Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML
database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs.
extra/kdav 1:5.89.0-1 (kf5) [installed]
A DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
extra/print-manager 21.12.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities) [installed]
A tool for managing print jobs and printers
community/blobby2 1.0-4
A beach ball game with blobs of goo
community/grafana-agent 0.21.2-1
Grafana Agent is a telemetry collector for sending metrics, logs, and trace data to the
opinionated Grafana observability stack
community/kdav2 0.4.0-1
A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs
community/libxmlb 0.3.5-1 [installed]
Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
community/obs-studio 27.1.3-2 [installed]
Free, open source software for live streaming and recording
community/parallel 20211122-1
A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
请帮助我如何使 pacman 搜索结果以系统的方式显示。
您可以将正则表达式与 pacman 一起使用。
$ pacman -Ss "http server" | head -n 10 | grep -n ""
1:core/libmicrohttpd 0.9.73-1
2: a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.
3:extra/apache 2.4.51-2
4: A high performance Unix-based HTTP server
5:extra/nginx 1.20.2-1
6: Lightweight HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
7:extra/perl-http-daemon 6.12-1
8: Simple http server class
9:community/gunicorn 20.1.0-1
10: WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
$ pacman -Ss http server | head -n 10 | grep -n ""
1:core/libmicrohttpd 0.9.73-1
2: a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.
3:extra/apache 2.4.51-2
4: A high performance Unix-based HTTP server
5:extra/libcddb 1.3.2-6.1
6: Library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g. http://freedb.org).
7:extra/libsoup 2.74.2-1
8: HTTP client/server library for GNOME
9:extra/libsoup3 3.0.3-1
10: HTTP client/server library for GNOME
因为它们没有确切的短语“http 服务器”。
$ pacman -Ss ^OBS
community/obs-studio 27.1.3-2
Free, open source software for live streaming and recording
$ pacman -Ss OBS | head -n 10
extra/foomatic-db-engine 4:20200206-1
Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs.
extra/kdav 1:5.88.0-1 (kf5)
A DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
extra/print-manager 21.08.3-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
A tool for managing print jobs and printers
community/libxmlb 0.3.5-1
Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
community/obs-studio 27.1.3-2
Free, open source software for live streaming and recording