自动创建 awx 超级用户

自动创建 awx 超级用户

我想自动创建 awx 超级用户。我正在使用命令

awx-manage createsuperuser --username <NAME>

如果我使用此命令,它会提示输入电子邮件和 2 次密码。有没有办法跳过提示并自动执行。


借此从命令行创建 Tower 管理员没有提供太多信息,命令

/etc/tower# awx-manage help createsuperuser


usage: awx-manage createsuperuser [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--noinput]
                                  [--database DATABASE] [--email EMAIL]
                                  [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}]
                                  [--settings SETTINGS]
                                  [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback]
                                  [--no-color] [--force-color]

Used to create a superuser.

optional arguments:
  --username USERNAME   Specifies the login for the superuser.
  --noinput, --no-input
                        Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any
                        kind. You must use --username with --noinput, along
                        with an option for any other required field.
                        Superusers created with --noinput will not be able to
                        log in until they're given a valid password.
  --database DATABASE   Specifies the database to use. Default is "default".
  --email EMAIL         Specifies the email for the superuser.


awx-manage --username USERNAME --no-input --email EMAIL

至少从 Ansible Tower v3.8 分支开始,更新或设置初始密码似乎可以通过

awx-manage update_password --username='${USERNAME}' --password='${PASSWORD}'
