更改正在运行的 SystemD 服务的 JournalD 日志级别,无需重新加载

更改正在运行的 SystemD 服务的 JournalD 日志级别,无需重新加载

我有一个用 Python 编写的简单服务,它使用 SystemD JournalHandler 进行日志记录(SysLogHandler 应该类似地工作)。

# myservice.py
import time

import logging
from systemd.journal import JournalHandler

log = logging.getLogger('demo')

while True:

这是运行此服务的 SystemD 配置:

# myservice.service
Description=Python logging test
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 .../myservice.py

现在这将始终将所有内容记录到 JournalD:

# journalctl -f
Mar 06 15:58:13 myhost .../myservice.py[12852]: debug
Mar 06 15:58:13 myhost .../myservice.py[12852]: info
Mar 06 15:58:13 myhost .../myservice.py[12852]: warning
Mar 06 15:58:13 myhost .../myservice.py[12852]: error

是否可以在运行时更改此 SystemD 服务的日志记录配置,它已经启动(级别为 DEBUG) - 无需重新加载/重新启动服务?我想完全避免在 Python 代码中设置日志级别,而是让 SystemD 处理日志级别。


# Log everything to JournalD
change-systemd-service-loglevel myservice DEBUG

# Ignore all logs < WARNING, these should not show up on journalctl
change-systemd-service-loglevel myservice WARNING



您可以使用journalctl --priority过滤日志级别。 man journalctl说:

       -p, --priority=
           Filter output by message priorities or priority ranges. Takes
           either a single numeric or textual log level (i.e. between
           0/"emerg" and 7/"debug"), or a range of numeric/text log levels
           in the form FROM..TO. The log levels are the usual syslog log
           levels as documented in syslog(3), i.e.  "emerg" (0),
           "alert" (1), "crit" (2), "err" (3), "warning" (4), "notice" (5),
           "info" (6), "debug" (7). If a single log level is specified, all
           messages with this log level or a lower (hence more important)
           log level are shown. If a range is specified, all messages within
           the range are shown, including both the start and the end value
           of the range. This will add "PRIORITY=" matches for the specified

我运行了你的 python 脚本几秒钟来演示。在我的终端中,debug有灰色、info白色、warning琥珀色和error红色。


$ journalctl --user -u pylog --no-hostname
Mar 07 08:54:03 systemd[1064]: Started Python logging test.
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: debug
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: info
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: error
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: debug
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: info
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: error

情况 2:警告过滤器(详细语法)

$ journalctl --user -u pylog --no-hostname --priority=warning
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: error
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: error

案例 3:信息和警告范围过滤器(简单语法)

$ journalctl --user -u pylog --no-hostname -p 4..6
Mar 07 08:54:03 systemd[1064]: Started Python logging test.
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: info
Mar 07 08:54:03 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: info
Mar 07 08:54:06 /home/stew/bin/pylog.py[953165]: warning

如果您确实想阻止特定级别的日志记录,请参阅man systemd.exec

           Configures filtering by log level of log messages generated by
           this unit. Takes a syslog log level, one of emerg (lowest log
           level, only highest priority messages), alert, crit, err,
           warning, notice, info, debug (highest log level, also lowest
           priority messages). See syslog(3) for details. By default no
           filtering is applied (i.e. the default maximum log level is
           debug). Use this option to configure the logging system to drop
           log messages of a specific service above the specified level. For
           example, set LogLevelMax=info in order to turn off debug logging
           of a particularly chatty unit. Note that the configured level is
           applied to any log messages written by any of the processes
           belonging to this unit, as well as any log messages written by
           the system manager process (PID 1) in reference to this unit,
           sent via any supported logging protocol. The filtering is applied
           early in the logging pipeline, before any kind of further
           processing is done. Moreover, messages which pass through this
           filter successfully might still be dropped by filters applied at
           a later stage in the logging subsystem. For example,
           MaxLevelStore= configured in journald.conf(5) might prohibit
           messages of higher log levels to be stored on disk, even though
           the per-unit LogLevelMax= permitted it to be processed.

man journal.conf。这有:

           Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the
           journal. As argument, takes one of "emerg", "alert", "crit", 
           "err", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug", or integer values in 
           the range of 0–7 (corresponding to the same levels). Messages 
           equal or below the log level specified are stored/forwarded, 
           messages above are dropped. Defaults to "debug" to ensure that 
           the all messages are stored in the journal and forwarded to 
           syslog. These settings may be overridden at boot time with the 
           kernel command line options "systemd.journald.max_level_store="

