使用 apt/aptitude,如何删除发行版升级后所有无源的旧软件包?

使用 apt/aptitude,如何删除发行版升级后所有无源的旧软件包?

几周前我将 Linux 从 Pop_OS 21.10 升级到 22.04。

发行版升级大概用新版本替换了一些旧源,因此,Pop_OS 21.10 或更早版本的许多现有软件包现在都是无源的:

$ sudo aptitude update
W: Package containerd.io had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 1.4.13-1 is not available
W: Package scala-cli had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 0.1.2 is not available
W: Package libfam0 had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 2.7.0-17.3build2 is not available
W: Package ksysguardd had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-de had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-es had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-fr had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-it had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-ja had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-pt had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package gnome-getting-started-docs-ru had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.36.2-0ubuntu0.1 is not available
W: Package docker-ce-cli had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 5:20.10.12~3-0~ubuntu-focal is not available
W: Package wolframscript had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 1.2.0+2019040701 is not available
W: Package libvala-0.48-0 had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 0.48.6-0ubuntu1 is not available
W: Package linux-headers-5.11.0-7614-generic had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 5.11.0-7614.15~1622578982~20.04~383c0a9 is not available
W: Package llvm-10-dev had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1 is not available
W: Package linux-headers-5.15.8-76051508-generic had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 5.15.8-76051508.202112141040~1639505278~20.04~0ede46a is not available
W: Package ksysguard had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1 is not available
W: Package gcc-8 had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 8.5.0-0ubuntu4 is not available
W: Package linux-modules-5.16.19-76051619-generic had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 5.16.19-76051619.202204081339~1649696161~22.04~091f44b is not available
W: Package minikube had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 1.25.2-0 is not available
W: Package oem-sutton.newell-meta had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 4.0newell5 is not available
W: Package linux-modules-5.15.8-76051508-generic had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 5.15.8-76051508.202112141040~1639505278~20.04~0ede46a is not available
W: Package libllvm10 had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1 is not available
W: Package gcc-8-base had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 8.5.0-0ubuntu4 is not available
W: Package libsepol1 had been marked to reinstall, but the file for the current installed version 3.1-1ubuntu2.1 is not available

我需要将它们全部删除(否则它们会浪费磁盘空间并可能导致奇怪的冲突),我该怎么做?可以使用任何基于 Ubuntu/debian 的包管理器提供解决方案。


您可以通过将该输出保存到文件(例如,使用重定向或只需鼠标复制和粘贴,因为它是一个相当小的列表)并通过运行它来轻松提取包名称awk '{print $3}',因为包名称位于每行的第三个字段中。然后,您可以通过apt-get removeorapt-get purge命令使用这些包名称。

aptitude search您还可以使用- 例如获取“过时”软件包的列表aptitude -F %p search '?obsolete'。这可能会产生比“标记为重新安装”的包名称更大的包名称列表......但是如果不知道您的sources.list配置和您正在使用的任何存储库的当前状态,就不可能确定。

但是,自动删除大量软件包最终可能会删除比您想象的要多得多的软件包,因为其他软件包可能依赖于您要删除的某些软件包。库包(例如libfam0libvala-0.48-0libsepol1)特别有可能导致这种情况。删除containerd.io可能会导致 docker 或类似的容器管理工具被卸载。



旧的内核头相当大(~50MB)并且通常可以安全地删除 - 它们实际上只有在您需要为已安装的内核编译内核模块(例如使用 dkms)时才有用。而且您可能不需要这么多语言的 gnome 入门文档。

您可能还会发现您正在删除经常使用但不再位于发行版中的软件包,因为软件包维护者不再有时间维护它。我知道我的 Debian 机器上有几个类似的东西,特别是那些自 20 世纪 90 年代以来不断升级的机器。例如,我讨厌自动删除我的 roxterm 软件包 - 它已经过时了很多年,甚至被作者放弃了,但我仍然使用它,因为它比任何其他基于 libvte 的终端模拟器要少得多...... .而且,即使它是废弃软件,它仍然工作得很好。

