我想创建一个快捷方式,可以将客户端发送到 bling 的便签本。
初始化 bling 便签本的部分:
local bling = require("bling")
local term_scratch = bling.module.scratchpad {
command = "wezterm start --class spad", -- How to spawn the scratchpad
rule = { instance = "spad" }, -- The rule that the scratchpad will be searched by
sticky = true, -- Whether the scratchpad should be sticky
autoclose = true, -- Whether it should hide itself when losing focus
floating = true, -- Whether it should be floating (MUST BE TRUE FOR ANIMATIONS)
geometry = {x=360, y=90, height=900, width=1200}, -- The geometry in a floating state
reapply = true, -- Whether all those properties should be reapplied on every new opening of the scratchpad (MUST BE TRUE FOR ANIMATIONS)
dont_focus_before_close = false, -- When set to true, the scratchpad will be closed by the toggle function regardless of whether its focused or not. When set to false, the toggle function will first bring the scratchpad into focus and only close it on a second call
globalkeys = gears.table.join(
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h",
function ()
end ),
系统:Arch linux、X11、awesome-wm、awesome-wm bling 附加组件。
设置从以下行中获取的所需实例名称:rule = { instance = "spad" },