如何解释 mt status 的输出?

如何解释 mt status 的输出?

我正在 OpenSuse 15.5 上使用 Quantum DLT-4000 磁带机运行 mt 版本 2.13。

当我运行时,mt -f /dev/st0 status我得到以下输出:

drive type = 114
drive status = 419430400
sense key error = 0
residue count = 0
file number = 0
block number = 0



GNUmt命令产生这些值本质上是直接从ioctlstruct mtget调用返回的MTIOCGET

类型值列于include/uapi/linux/mtio.hLinux 内核源代码中:

 * Constants for mt_type. Not all of these are supported,
 * and these are not all of the ones that are supported.
#define MT_ISUNKNOWN        0x01
#define MT_ISQIC02      0x02    /* Generic QIC-02 tape streamer */
#define MT_ISWT5150     0x03    /* Wangtek 5150EQ, QIC-150, QIC-02 */
#define MT_ISARCHIVE_5945L2 0x04    /* Archive 5945L-2, QIC-24, QIC-02? */
#define MT_ISCMSJ500        0x05    /* CMS Jumbo 500 (QIC-02?) */
#define MT_ISTDC3610        0x06    /* Tandberg 6310, QIC-24 */
#define MT_ISARCHIVE_VP60I  0x07    /* Archive VP60i, QIC-02 */
#define MT_ISARCHIVE_2150L  0x08    /* Archive Viper 2150L */
#define MT_ISARCHIVE_2060L  0x09    /* Archive Viper 2060L */
#define MT_ISARCHIVESC499   0x0A    /* Archive SC-499 QIC-36 controller */
#define MT_ISQIC02_ALL_FEATURES 0x0F    /* Generic QIC-02 with all features */
#define MT_ISWT5099EEN24    0x11    /* Wangtek 5099-een24, 60MB, QIC-24 */
#define MT_ISTEAC_MT2ST     0x12    /* Teac MT-2ST 155mb drive, Teac DC-1 card (Wangtek type) */
#define MT_ISEVEREX_FT40A   0x32    /* Everex FT40A (QIC-40) */
#define MT_ISDDS1       0x51    /* DDS device without partitions */
#define MT_ISDDS2       0x52    /* DDS device with partitions */
#define MT_ISONSTREAM_SC        0x61   /* OnStream SCSI tape drives (SC-x0)
                      and SCSI emulated (DI, DP, USB) */
#define MT_ISSCSI1      0x71    /* Generic ANSI SCSI-1 tape unit */
#define MT_ISSCSI2      0x72    /* Generic ANSI SCSI-2 tape unit */

/* QIC-40/80/3010/3020 ftape supported drives.
 * 20bit vendor ID + 0x800000 (see ftape-vendors.h)
#define MT_ISFTAPE_UNKNOWN  0x800000 /* obsolete */
#define MT_ISFTAPE_FLAG 0x800000

十进制的 114 是十六进制的 0x72,因此该值表示您的磁带驱动器是“通用 ANSI SCSI-2 磁带单元”,这可能是大多数现代磁带驱动器的类型。


/* Generic Mag Tape (device independent) status macros for examining
 * mt_gstat -- HP-UX compatible.
 * There is room for more generic status bits here, but I don't
 * know which of them are reserved. At least three or so should
 * be added to make this really useful.
#define GMT_EOF(x)              ((x) & 0x80000000)
#define GMT_BOT(x)              ((x) & 0x40000000)
#define GMT_EOT(x)              ((x) & 0x20000000)
#define GMT_SM(x)               ((x) & 0x10000000)  /* DDS setmark */
#define GMT_EOD(x)              ((x) & 0x08000000)  /* DDS EOD */
#define GMT_WR_PROT(x)          ((x) & 0x04000000)
/* #define GMT_ ?       ((x) & 0x02000000) */
#define GMT_ONLINE(x)           ((x) & 0x01000000)
#define GMT_D_6250(x)           ((x) & 0x00800000)
#define GMT_D_1600(x)           ((x) & 0x00400000)
#define GMT_D_800(x)            ((x) & 0x00200000)
/* #define GMT_ ?       ((x) & 0x00100000) */
/* #define GMT_ ?       ((x) & 0x00080000) */
#define GMT_DR_OPEN(x)          ((x) & 0x00040000)  /* door open (no tape) */
/* #define GMT_ ?       ((x) & 0x00020000) */
#define GMT_IM_REP_EN(x)        ((x) & 0x00010000)  /* immediate report mode */
#define GMT_CLN(x)              ((x) & 0x00008000)  /* cleaning requested */
/* 15 generic status bits unused */

状态 419430400 的十六进制值为 0x19000000,因此它是以下各项的总和:

  • 0x10000000= DDS 设定标记
  • 0x08000000= DDS EOD(数据结束)
  • 0x01000000= GMT_ONLINE(= 已插入磁带并且驱动器已准备好接收命令)

词汇表在最后HP DDS 驱动器技术参考手册将设置标记定义为:




  • 磁带已插入,驱动器已准备好执行命令
  • 当前位置既不是磁带的开头也不是结尾,而是介于两者之间
  • 当前位置位于可快速搜索的设置标记处
  • 该设置标记专门是数据结束标记,因此磁带上不应再有超过此点的有效数据。

