寻求有关此 Bash 脚本的帮助

寻求有关此 Bash 脚本的帮助

成立这个矩阵模仿脚本由 Derrick.blarg 创作,在所有其他效果中最喜欢它的效果。

在过去的 5 天内,我一直在尝试重新设计轨迹渲染,以便它打印一半的行减去控制​​台窗口大小的 1。我尝试过的任何方法都不会产生这种效果。除了让循环为每列生成两次轨迹并从中心列开始之外,还可以动态修复中间列,以在控制台中心拼出一个字符串文本变量,当该变量拼写出字符串中的字符时结束轨迹。多变的。

# This script creates a Matrix-style falling text effect in the terminal.

# Define strings for extra characters (Japanese Katakana) and extended ASCII characters

# Define arrays of color codes for a fading green color effect, and a static color
fade_colors=('\033[38;2;0;255;0m' '\033[38;2;0;192;0m' '\033[38;2;0;128;0m' '\033[38;2;0;64;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;32;0m' '\033[38;2;0;16;0m' '\033[38;2;0;8;0m') # Fading green colors
static_color='\033[38;2;0;0;0m' # Static dark green color
white_bold='\033[1;37m' # White and bold for the primary character

# Get terminal dimensions
COLUMNS=$(tput cols) # Number of columns in the terminal
ROWS=$(tput lines) # Number of rows in the terminal

# Hide the cursor for a cleaner effect and clear the screen
echo -ne '\033[?25l'

# Function to generate a random character from the set of extra characters and extended ASCII
random_char() {
    local chars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789${extra_chars}${extended_ascii}"
    echo -n "${chars:RANDOM%${#chars}:1}"

# Generate a list of 1000 random characters
for (( i=0; i<1000; i++ )); do
    random_chars+=$(random_char) # Add a random character to the end of the string

# Initialize a counter for cycling through the random characters
char_counter=0 # Counter for cycling through the random characters

# Initialize arrays to keep track of the position and trail characters of each column
positions=() # Array to store the current position in each column
trail_chars=() # Array to store the trail characters in each column
for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
    positions[$c]=$((RANDOM % ROWS)) # Random starting position for each column
    trail_chars[$c]="" # Start with an empty trail for each column

# Function to update the display with the falling text effect
update_line() {
    local last_pos=0  # Track the last position to optimize cursor movement

    for (( c=1; c<=COLUMNS; c++ )); do
        # Randomly skip updating some columns to create a dynamic effect
        if [ $((RANDOM % 4)) -ne 0 ]; then

        local new_char=${random_chars:$char_counter:1} # Select the next character from the random string
        char_counter=$(( (char_counter + 1) % 1000 )) # Update the counter, cycling back after 1000

        local pos=${positions[$c]} # Current position in this column
        local trail=${trail_chars[$c]} # Current trail of characters in this column

        trail_chars[$c]="${new_char}${trail:0:$((ROWS - 1))}" # Update the trail by adding new character at the top

        # Render the trail of characters
        for (( i=0; i<${#trail}; i++ )); do
            local trail_pos=$((pos - i)) # Calculate the position for each character in the trail
            if [ $trail_pos -ge 0 ] && [ $trail_pos -lt $ROWS ]; then
                local color=${fade_colors[i]:-$static_color} # Choose color from the fade array or static color if beyond the array
                if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then
                    color=$white_bold # First character in the trail is white and bold
                if [ $last_pos -ne $trail_pos ]; then
                    printf "%b" "\033[${trail_pos};${c}H" # Move cursor to the right position
                printf "%b" "${color}${trail:$i:1}\033[0m" # Print the character with color

        positions[$c]=$((pos + 1)) # Update the position for the next cycle
        if [ $pos -ge $((ROWS + ${#fade_colors[@]})) ]; then
            positions[$c]=0 # Reset position if it moves off screen

# Main loop for continuous execution of the update_line function
while true; do

# Reset terminal settings on exit (show cursor, clear screen, reset text format)
echo -ne '\033[?25h' # Show cursor
tput sgr0 # Reset text format```
