Accept Roll_Number
If (the Roll Number has already been added to the absent list) then
Prompt”You have already added the roll number to the absent list”
Continue with the adding process
End if
Connect to the Student’s table of Malpi’s database
Search for the match of Roll_Number
If (the match is found) Then
Display Student’s firstname,middlename,lastname,guardianname,contactnumber
Don’t Display Anything
End If
Until (all the absent students have been added to the absent list)
Open the absent file where the records are to be added
If (the student has already been added to the file for that day) Then
Prompt” The student has already been added to the file”
End if
Until (All the Roll_Number in the list have been checked)
Get the record number of the last record in the absent file
Open the absent file where the records are to be added
Add 1 to the record number
Save the student’s absent details to the file
Until (the records of all the students are saved in the absent file)
在 XeTeX 中表示此内容的最佳方法是什么?我尝试使用 \verbatim 包,但它似乎破坏了边距?有什么好方法可以呈现此内容吗?