我正在编写我的第一份 Latex 文档,所以这可能是一个初学者的问题。我在报告中使用了 natbib 包来获取 agsm 哈佛风格书目。我必须引用我在网上找到的几份报告,但没有找到任何现成的 bibtex 条目。我想我必须自己写。但我不知道该怎么做。
第一个是 UMTS 论坛的白皮书。我在这里给出链接移动宽带演进
我应该把这些放在哪个类别下以及 bibtex 条目是什么?
我找到了整个技术报告的 bibtex 条目,它是:
title = {{Mobile Systems IV}},
author = {Burkhard Stiller and Thomas Bocek and Fabio Hecht and Guilherme Machado and Peter Racz and Martin Waldburger},
group = {csg},
year = {2010},
institution = {University of Zurich, Department of Informatics},
month = {01},
Date-Added = {2010-01-11 10:05:52},
Date-Modified = {2010-07-22 12:08:45}
AUTHOR = {R. Behrends and L. K. Dillon and S. D. Fleming and
R. E. K. Stirewalt},
TITLE = {White paper: Programming according to the fences and gates
model for developing assured, secure software
NUMBER = {MSU-CSE-06-2},
INSTITUTION = {Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University},
ADDRESS = {East Lansing, Michigan},
ABSTRACT = {This white paper describes extensions to our work on the
Synchronization Units Model (Szumo) to address the
access-control problem in systems assembled dynamically from
trusted and untrusted components. Our extension employs
explicitly declared design contracts, the semantics of which
are founded on Landwehr's model of fences and gates.
KEYWORDS = {access control, security, contracts, Szumo},
NOTE = {},
MONTH = {January},
YEAR = {2006},
AUTHOR1_URL = {http://www.poker-ping.info},
AUTHOR1_EMAIL = {[email protected]},
AUTHOR1_EMAIL = {[email protected]},
AUTHOR2_URL = {Sle},
AUTHOR2_EMAIL = {Poker Ping},
AUTHOR2_URL = {http://www.cse.msu.edu/~stire},
AUTHOR2_EMAIL = {[email protected]},
PAGES = {3},
FILE = {/user/web/htdocs/publications/tech/TR/MSU-CSE-06-2.ps},
URL = {},
CONTACT = {[email protected]}