

我想创建两个具有相同列宽的表格。两个表格都由 6 行和 3 列组成。在这两个表格中,第 1 行和第 4 行都是说明性的,并且应该在所有列中展开。在第一个表格中,第 2、3、5 和 6 行应该有 3 列相同的宽度。在第二个表格中,第 2 行和第 3 行应该有 2 列相同的宽度,第 5 行和第 6 行应该有 3 列相同的宽度。


        \caption{Distribution of mappings for the SLA parameter $\pi$.}
        \label{tab:distPi} \centering
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Name of the SLA parameter $\pi$}} \\
                \emph{Cost} & \emph{Charge} & \emph{Rate} \\
                15\% & 15\% & 40\% \\
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Unit of the SLA parameter $\pi$}} \\
                \emph{USD} & \emph{GBP} & \emph{YPI} \\
                38\% & 2\% & 40\% \\


        \caption{Distribution of mappings for the SLA parameter $\mu$.}
        \label{tab:distMu} \centering
                \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\textbf{Name of the SLA parameter $\mu$}} \\
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\emph{MemoryConsumption}} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\emph{Consumption}} \\
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{70\%} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{30\%} \\
                \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\textbf{Unit of the SLA parameter $\mu$}} \\
                \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{Mbit}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{Gbit}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{Tbit}} \\
                \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{5\%} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{55\%} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{40\%} \\



有人知道怎么做更好吗?页面是双列的,表格将位于其中一列。它们的宽度应为列宽的约 90%。


我相信有很多方法可以解决这一问题。以下简短介绍其神奇之处,\halign希望如果在 LaTeX 中可用,可能会有所帮助。

I don't personally fancy "boxing" up the contents in a table.


    \vbox{\hrule height1pt\medskip\halign to.4\hsize{
      #\hfil\tabskip.2\hsize plus.1\hsize minus.15\hsize&&#\hfil\cr
      % double ampersands begin the repeating part of the preamble.
      \header{3}{Name of the SLA parameter $\pi$}
      \it Cost&\it Charge&\it Rate\cr
      \header{3}{Unit of the SLA parameter $\pi$}
      \it USD&\it GBP&\it YPI\cr
    \medskip\hrule height1pt}
% end tl;dr
% General remarks about horizontal alignment ("halign" or "table" for short):
% "&" is used to separate columns.
% "\cr" is an abbreviation for "Carriage Return". It ends a row.
% "#" is used in the preamble to tell where the given content goes. Compare
% with positional parameters in, eg. `\def\foo#1{<...>#1<...>}`.
\input eplain
% eplain is input purely for the following command:
% Some text to show the default vertical spacing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pulvinar
tristique felis, a mollis ante tincidunt eu. Maecenas orci quam, auctor vitae
auctor quis, rhoncus quis nisi. Curabitur tincidunt consectetur turpis, vel
eleifend neque tristique faucibus. Praesent tristique vehicula nisl sed
{% Begin a grouping scope, so that all the settings we define here are confined.
\offinterlineskip% Omit whitespace between rows. Without this setting, there are
                 % gaps between vertical rules.
\tabskip0pt% Tabskip is a glue which will be put in every column.
           % For the beginning of the first column, we don't want any
           % horizontal space, so we set the tabskip to 0pt (it already is by
           % default, but lets be sure about it).
\everycr={\noalign{\hrule}}% For every "Carriage Return", insert a horizontal rule.
\halign to .9\hsize{% Begin the preamble of the table. A preamble defines how the
                    % columns of a table are formatted.
  \strut#&% A strut is a invisible "thing", whose height is the height of a
          % paren. We insert a strut as the first column because we have set
          % the whitespace between rows to be zero for the vertical rules, so
          % we need to make a little vertical room for the actual content.
  \vrule#\tabskip1em plus 2em minus .5em&% We set the glue between the columns so
    % that there is stretchability for the columns.
  \hfil#\hfil&% First (actual content) column is defined to be centered.
  \vrule#&% After the content column, there is a vertical rule.
  \hfil#\hfil&\vrule#&\hfil#\hfil&% Ditto for the other two content columns.
  \vrule#\tabskip0pt% For the last vertical rule -column, we set the
                    % stretchability back to 0pt, so that it doesn't "eat up"
                    % the stretchability of the content columns.
  \cr% End the preamble of the table with a "Carriage Return".
  % Now starts the actual contents of the table:
  &&% Skip the strut-column and the vrule-column.
  \multispan5% Let this column span five columns (content-columns and their
             % accompanied vrule-columns, excluding the last vrule-column)
  \hidewidth% Skip this columns width in the calculations of the column widths,
            % because this is a "header" -column/-row.
  \hfil\bf Name of the SLA parameter $\pi$\hfil% We again center the contents.
  \hidewidth% We need to hide the width of this column on its right-hand-side
            % as well.
  &\cr% Finally we are done with the first header-row. The seemingly surplus
      % column-separation ampersand is there to account for the last
      % vrule-column.
  &&\it Cost&&\it Charge&&\it Rate&\cr% The double ampersands account for the
                                      % vrule-columns.
  \noalign{\smallskip\hrule}% Make a small gap before the next header-row.
  &&\multispan5\hidewidth\hfil\bf Unit of the SLA parameter $\pi$\hfil\hidewidth&\cr
  &&\it USD&&\it GBP&&\it YPI&\cr
}% End of the halign.
}% End of the grouping scope. After the scope, TeX no longer knows what `\cc`
 % or `\header` means. Also the tabskip and interlinespacing are returned.
% Now that we're familiar with the basics (and some of the not-so-basics) of
% halign, we could further simplify the recurring commands, as well as separate
% the used dimens for re-usability.
% First off, the dimens(ions):
\dimen0=.9\hsize% We'll use this dimen to set the width of the table.
\skip0=1em plus2em minus.5em% We'll use this glue to set the tabskip amount.
\smallskipamount=2pt% remove stretchability
% For the recurring commands, there are at least the centered content-columns:
% and the header-rows:
% and we might as well throw in the header separators in the mix:
% As we're getting greedier and greedier, let's wrap the whole thing in a `\def`:
  \halign to\dimen0{\strut##&\vrule##\tabskip=\skip0&
% Looking ahead, we're going to need one with just two cols as well. I know. Ugly.
  \halign to\dimen0{\strut##&\vrule##\tabskip=\skip0&
% And here we go:
  &&\header{5}{Name of the SLA parameter $\pi$}&\cr
  &&\it Cost&&\it Charge&&\it Rate&\cr
  &&\header{5}{Unit of the SLA parameter $\pi$}&\cr
  &&\it USD&&\it GBP&&\it YPI&\cr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pulvinar
tristique felis, a mollis ante tincidunt eu. Maecenas orci quam, auctor vitae
auctor quis, rhoncus quis nisi. Curabitur tincidunt consectetur turpis, vel
eleifend neque tristique faucibus. Praesent tristique vehicula nisl sed
  &&\header{3}{Name of the SLA parameter $\mu$}&\cr
  &&\hidewidth\it MemoryConsumption\hidewidth
  &&\hidewidth\it Consumption\hidewidth&\cr
}% Ewww, two *different* tables!
  &&\header{5}{Unit of the SLA parameter $\mu$}&\cr
  &&\it Mbit&&\it Gbit&&\it Tbit&\cr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pulvinar
tristique felis, a mollis ante tincidunt eu. Maecenas orci quam, auctor vitae
auctor quis, rhoncus quis nisi. Curabitur tincidunt consectetur turpis, vel
eleifend neque tristique faucibus.





\setlength{\onesixth}{.1667 \linewidth}
\setlength{\onesixth}{.5 \onesixth} 

\newcolumntype{E}{@{}l@{}} %I don't understand why this is needed...but without it the code doesn't compile


        \caption{Distribution of mappings for the SLA parameter $\pi$.}
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Name of the SLA parameter $\pi$}} 
                  \emph{Cost} & \emph{Charge} &\emph{Rate}&
                1 & 15 & 40 &\\
                \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Unit of the SLA parameter $\pi$}} \\
                \emph{USD} & \emph{GBP} & \emph{YPI}& \\
                38\% & 2\% & 40\% &\\
        \caption{Distribution of mappings for the SLA parameter $\mu$.}
        \label{tab:distMu} \centering
                \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\textbf{Name of the SLA parameter $\mu$}} \\
                \multicolumn{3}{|D|}{\emph{MemoryConsumption}} & \multicolumn{3}{D|}{\emph{Consumption}} \\
                \multicolumn{3}{|D|}{70\%} & \multicolumn{3}{D|}{30\%} \\
                \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\textbf{Unit of the SLA parameter $\mu$}} \\
                \multicolumn{2}{|C|}{\emph{Mbit}} & \multicolumn{2}{C|}{\emph{Gbit}} & \multicolumn{2}{C|}{\emph{Tbit}} \\
                \multicolumn{2}{|C|}{5\%} & \multicolumn{2}{C|}{55\%} & \multicolumn{2}{C|}{40\%} \\




我很不满意:无法使用\multicolumn{6}{|C|C|C|}{..}and 来让这个烦人的代码E看起来是必需的,这样结束行就不会进入\begin{}...\end{}块中。如果有人知道如何删除这两个代码,请告诉我,或者发布一个更好的解决方案。

哦,顺便说一句,MemoryConsumption 对于我定义的盒子来说太大了...我不确定它是否适合你,但你可以自己摆弄它。
