Hyperref 链接链接到错误的标签。

Hyperref 链接链接到错误的标签。


无论如何,到目前为止,我有两个部分,简介和公理与运算。在第三个练习之后的公理与运算中,我有 \label{exer3}。在练习 6 的后面,我用 \ref{exer3} 引用了它两次,但是,超链接却链接回简介部分的练习 3,而不是公理与运算部分的练习 3。简介部分中练习 3 的标签是 \label{pwrsetex}。


pdfTeX 警告(ext1):具有相同标识符(name{exercise.1})的目标已被使用,重复项被忽略。


不确定是否相关,但在公理和操作部分的开头,我使用 \setcounter{exercise}{0} 重置了练习计数器。


这是公理和运算练习 3 的代码:

\begin{exercise}\label{exer3} Show that every member of a set $A$ is a subset of $\bigcup A$. 
\begin{proof}[\bf Solution.] If $A=\emptyset$, then the statement is vacuously true. So suppose $A$ is nonempty, and take some $b\in A$. Again, if $b$ is empty, then the statement holds. So suppose $b$ is nonempty. Then for any $t\in b$, $t\in\bigcup A$ by the Union Axiom. In other words, 
\forall t(t\in b\Rightarrow t\in\bigcup A).
This is precisely the definition that $b\subseteq\bigcup A$.   

对于公理和运算的练习 6:

\item Show that for any set $A$, $\bigcup\mathscr{P}A=A$. 
\item Show that $A\subseteq\mathscr{P}\bigcup A$. Under what conditions does equality hold?
\begin{proof}[\bf Solution.] For $(a)$, take $x\in\bigcup\mathscr{P}A$. So there exists some $b\in\mathscr{P}A$ such that $x\in b$. Since $b\in\mathscr{P}A$, $b\subseteq A$, and thus $x\in A$. Also, since $A\subseteq A$, by definition of the power set, $A\in\mathscr{P}A$. Then by Exercise \ref{exer3}, it follows that $A\subseteq\bigcup\mathscr{P}A$.
For $(b)$, take $x\in A$. Again by Exercise \ref{exer3}, $x\subseteq\bigcup A$, so by definition of the power set, $x\in\mathscr{P}\bigcup A$. Equality holds when $A$ has form $\{\emptyset\}$ or $\{a,\emptyset\}$. If $A=\{\emptyset\}$, then $\bigcup A=\emptyset$, and so $\mathscr{P}\bigcup A=\{\emptyset\}$. 

对于简介中的练习 3:

\begin{exercise}\label{pwrsetex} Show that if $B\subseteq C$, then $\mathscr{P}B\subseteq\mathscr{P}C$.
\begin{proof}[\bf Solution.] Suppose $A\in\mathscr{P}B$. Then $A\subseteq B$, and thus $A\subseteq C$, as containment is transitive. Hence $A\in\mathscr{P}C$.



其中 packages.tex 是

\usepackage[top=1.3in, bottom=1.3in, left=1.3in, right=1.3in]{geometry}

% header and footer

\input xy

并且 oremdef.tex 是

\newtheorem{exercise}{\bf Exercise}


我建议对每个部分的练习进行编号。这样就不用再花时间了。练习 1我会把它们分成不同的部分,练习 1.1练习2.1这样比较清晰,解决了引用的问题。


