将 BibTeX 与 LyX 结合使用:自动生成的 .bbl 中的错误

将 BibTeX 与 LyX 结合使用:自动生成的 .bbl 中的错误

我已经困惑了好几个小时,但还是解决不了。我使用 LyX 来编写我的文章,并使用 JabRef 创建了一个 BibTeX 文件。我将 BibTeX 参考书目插入 LyX,但当我尝试编译时,出现了错误:

多个“插入缺少 $”、“插入缺少 }”和“额外 },或忘记 \endgroup”。


Missing $ inserted.
\newblock http://www.nasa.gov/mission_

它们都指的是自动生成的 .bbl文件。

当我将 LyX 导出为 LaTeX 并在那里编译时(也使用不同的编码),也会出现同样的问题。我读过一些关于 BibTeX 编码的内容,但我搞不懂。

我将在下面发布一些 BibTeX:

  author = "Jens N. Kaftan and Andr{\'e} A. Bell and Til Aach",
  title = "Mean Shift Segmentation Evaluation of Optimization Techniques",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008",
  year = "2008",
  pages = "365-374",
  address = "Funchal, Madeira - Portugal",
  month = "January 22-25",
  publisher = "INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication"

  author = "Kawakita, M. and Kurita, T. and Kikuchi, H. and Inoue, S.",
  title = "HDTV axi-vision camera",
  booktitle = "Proc. of International Broadcasting Conference",
  year = "2002",
  pages = "397-404"

  author = "Marr, D. and Poggio, T.",
  title = "A computational theory of human stereo vision",
  journal = "Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences",
  year = "1979",
  volume = "204",
  pages = "301-328",
  number = "1156",
  issn = "0080-4649",
  publisher = "JSTOR"

  author = "Pangburn, Brian E. and Ayo, Jonathan P.",
  title = "Koders - Source Code Search Engine",
  howpublished = "http://www.koders.com/info.aspx?c=ProjectInfo\&pid=1ZLCBNBRKBWSX9KL1VF3ZA989H\&s=Region",
  year = "2002",
  timestamp = "2011.01.06"



问题出在 URL 中的下划线。尝试使用类似

howpublished = "\url{http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/stereo/multimedia/deploy.html}"


url = "http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/stereo/multimedia/deploy.html"

在你的.bib文件中。你还应该将以下内容添加到你的主 .tex 文件中\usepackage{url} 或者 \usepackage{hyperref}(机器人不是两者!)。
