

在 TeXbook 中,Knuth 指出斜体可能会导致对齐问题:

练习 14.16
当整个段落以斜体或倾斜字体排版时,有时看起来相对于其他段落在页面上偏移。解释如何使用\leftskip\rightskip将段落的所有行向左移动 1 pt


This is a small text. If jam is what you like, two fingers up,
or whatever. Under certain conditions you see that the left and
right margins flutter.

效果有点被小的 所强调\textwidth,但编译后并没有显示任何过满的水平盒子。特别是左边距在我看来看起来很糟糕。

有没有办法在 TeX 中解决这个问题?我更喜欢 LaTeX 答案,但最终我对任何 TeX 版本都持开放态度。

我知道这实际上是一个字体问题;这是由于 CM 斜体字体的设计方式造成的。(事实上,我已经已回答有关斜体问题的几个问题。)是否存在斜体字体的问题不太明显甚至不存在?


使用 2.5 版 microtype 包,自 2013 年 3 月 13 日起在 CTAN 上可用,我的问题的简单答案是“使用 microtype“。

谢谢 Herbert 和 Joseph 告诉我这个microtype包可以实现。我知道这个包microtype可以调整边距字距,但我一直以为这只适用于标点符号。实际上,你可以调整每个字母的边距字距。

我一直在想:为什么 Herbert 和 Joseph 的答案中的输出稍好一些,但仍然远远不够好?答案当然是提供的边距字距调整表microtype不够好。所以我继续浏览了所有字母...输出现在如下所示,我对此非常满意:

以下是代码,主要由调整后的边距字距表组成(现已添加到 microtype 包裹)

   [ name     = cmr-it   ]
   { }
     A = {100,100},
     B = {83,-40},
     C = {165,-75},
     D = {75, -28},
     E = {80,-55},
     F = {85,-80},
     G = {153,-15},
     H = {73,-60},
     I = {140,-120},
     J = {135,-80},
     K = {70,-30},
     L = {87, 40},
     M = {67,-45},
     N = {75,-55},
     O = {150,-30},
     P = {82,-50},
     Q = {150,-30},
     R = {75, 15},
     S = {90,-65},
     $ = {100,-20},
     T = {220,-85},
     U = {230,-55},
     V = {260,-60},
     W = {185,-55},
     X = {70,-30},
     Y = {250,-60},
     Z = {90,-60},
     a = {150,-10},
     b = {170,   },
     c = {173,-10},
     d = {150,-55},
     e = {180, },
     f = { ,-250},
     g = {150,-10},
     h = {100, },
     i = {210, },
     j = { ,-40},
     k = {110,-50},
     l = {240,-110},
     m = {80, },
     n = {115, },
     o = {155, },
     p = { , },
     q = {170,-40},
     r = {155,-40},
     s = {130, },
     t = {230,-10},
     u = {120, },
     v = {140,-25},
     w = {98,-20},
     x = {65,-40},
     y = {130,-20},
     z = {110,-80},
     0 = {170,-85},
     1 = {230,110},
     2 = {130,-70},
     3 = {140,-70},
     4 = {130,80},
     5 = {160, },
     6 = {175,-30},
     7 = {250,-150},
     8 = {130,-40},
     9 = {155,-80},
     . = { ,500},
    {,}= { ,450},
     : = { ,300},
     ; = { ,300},
     & = {130,30},
    \% = {180,50},
     * = {380,20},
     + = {180,200},
     @ = {180,10},
     ~ = {200,150},
     ( = {300, },    ) = {  ,70},
     / = {100,100},
     - = {500,300},
     \textendash       = {500,300},   \textemdash        = {400,170},
     \textquoteleft    = {800,200},   \textquoteright    = {800,-20},
     \textquotedblleft = {540,100},   \textquotedblright = {500,100}

This is a small text. If jam is what you like, two fingers up,
or whatever. Under certain conditions you see that the left and
right margins flutter.


microtype 有一个可选参数,你可以允许将字符向右移动更多,例如[factor=1300]

This is a small text. If jam is what you like, two fingers up,
or whatever. Under certain conditions you see that the left and
right margins flutter.







This is a small text. If jam is what you like, two fingers up,
or whatever. Under certain conditions you see that the left and
right margins flutter.

