从 TeX 打印到具有奇数大小页面的标签

从 TeX 打印到具有奇数大小页面的标签

是否可以用 TeX 生成 PDF 文件,以便打印到奇数格式的打印机,例如DYMO LabelWriter 450? 该标签机可打印一卷标签,页面/标签尺寸例如为 1-1/8" x 3-1/2"。





正如 Ulrike 所说,该geometry包运行良好。您可以根据几何包定义中的要求自定义库存尺寸,然后继续定义具有必要尺寸的新标签。这是一个简单而粗略的例子:

\usepackage[paperwidth=10in, paperheight=7in]{geometry} % Define paper stock size here


% These are the label parameters. Customize to your heart's content.
\LabelCols=5           % Number of columns of labels per page
\LabelRows=4           % Number of rows of labels per page
\LeftPageMargin=7mm    % These four parameters give the
\RightPageMargin=7mm   % page gutter sizes. The outer edges of
\TopPageMargin=15mm    % the outer labels are the specified
\BottomPageMargin=15mm % distances from the edge of the paper.
\InterLabelColumn=2mm  % Gap between columns of labels
\InterLabelRow=0mm     % Gap between rows of labels
\LeftLabelBorder=5mm   % These four parameters give the extra
\RightLabelBorder=5mm  % space used around the text on each
\TopLabelBorder=5mm    % actual label.


    % Here's your label definition
        My address
        My City, State, Zipcode
        My Brother
        His address
        His City, State, Zipcode



LabelRows × Label height + (LabelRows − 1) × InterLabelRow = paperheight − TopPageMargin − BottomPageMargin

LabelColumns × Label width + (LabelColumns − 1) × InterLabelColumn = paperwidth − LeftPageMargin − RightPageMargin
