如何在 Tikz 中绘制以下伽马射线在磁场影响下的行为图?

如何在 Tikz 中绘制以下伽马射线在磁场影响下的行为图?



第三版。我尝试编写更简洁的代码。唯一的问题是圆角磁铁。我的方法在这种情况下不正确。使用平面图的工作很有趣,但最好以 2D 形式绘制磁铁,这样更容易填充磁铁。“正面”和“背面”很容易用圆角绘制,但侧面非常无聊。我当然可以改进下一个代码。


\begin{tikzpicture}[x  = {(-0.65cm,-0.45cm)},
                    y  = {(0.65cm,-0.45cm)},
                    z  = {(0cm,0.8cm)},
                    scale = 2,
                    color = {lightgray}] 

% style of faces
\tikzset{facestyle/.style={shade,line join=round,
                           bottom color=darkgray!60,
                           top color=lightgray}}

\path (1.5,1.5,2) coordinate (c);  
\path[facestyle] (0,0,2) -- (0,2,2) --(2,2,2)--(2,0,2)--cycle ; 
% face "left"
\begin{scope}[canvas is zy plane at x=2]
  \path[facestyle] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
  \path (0.2,2) 
    coordinate (f1) -- (0.2,1.4)
    coordinate (f2) -- (1,1)
    coordinate (f3) -- (2,1) 
    coordinate (f4) -- (c)--(2,2) 
    coordinate (f6);

% face  "right"
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=2]
  \path[facestyle] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
  \path (0.2,2) 
     coordinate (g1) -- (0.2,1.4) 
     coordinate (g2) -- (1,1)
     coordinate (g3) -- (2,1)
     coordinate (g4) -- (c) -- (2,2)
     coordinate (g6);  
%<------------------    other faces ------------------------------> 
% face "front or left" magnet 2
\begin{scope}[canvas is zy plane at x=-5]
  \path[facestyle] (-0.05,-4.5) rectangle (1.95,-2.5);  
% face arriere magnet 1
 \begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=0]
   \path[facestyle] (5,4) rectangle (7,7);  
   \draw[black] (6.98, -0.5) -- (6.98, 4);     
% face front magnet 1
\begin{scope}[canvas is zy plane at x=3]
  \path[facestyle] (2.5,-4) rectangle (0.5,-2);  
% face sup magnet 1  
       (1,-3,3.60) --  (1,-1,3.60) --  (4,-1,3.60) -- (4,-3,3.60);
       (-3.5,-3,3.60) --  (-3.5,-1,3.60) --  (-7,-1,3.60) -- (-7,-3,3.60) ; 

%<------------------ cutout  ------------------------------>  
\draw[shade,color=gray,double=lightgray,double distance=1pt]%
   (f4) to [in=230,out=-15] 
   (c)  to [in=180 ,out = 80]
   (g4) to [in=20,out=190]
   (g3) to [in=30,out=190]
   (g2) to 
   (g1) to 
   (f2) to [in=20,out=100]
   (f3) to [in=-160,out=-120]
%<-------------------  hole in the box  ------------------------------> 
\fill[double=lightgray,double distance=1pt,top color=black!80,shade]%
              (0,0,.8) circle [x radius=2mm,y radius=1mm, rotate=15];
%<-------------------  source of rays --------------------------------> 
\fill[black!80] (1,1,0) circle [x radius=2mm,y radius=1mm, rotate=15];
%<-------------------  rays Gamma  ---------------------------------->
\begin{scope}[black!60,>=open triangle 45,line width =2]
 %  ray
 \draw (.7,.8,0)--++(0,0,1);    
  \draw[->] ((.7,.8,1.85)--++(0,0,7) ;      
 %  ray  
 \draw (.8,.7,0)--++(0,0,1);    
 \draw[->] (.8,.7,1.85)--++(0,0,8) ; 
 %  ray         
 \draw (1,1,0)--++(0,0,1.4);   
 \draw[->] (1,1,1.85)--++(0,0,9) node [above]{Gamma};  

%<------------------- end rays Gamma  ------------------------------>

%<-------------------  rays Beta  ---------------------------------->

\begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=1,black!60,>=open triangle 45,
             line width =2,rounded corners]
%  ray
\draw (1.1,0) -- ++(0,1.4);    
\draw[->,] (1.1,1.95) -- (1.1,6) -- (3,11) ; 

%  ray
\draw (1.2,0) -- ++(0,1.4);     
\draw[->] (1.2,1.95) -- (1.2,6) -- (4,10);
%  ray
\draw (1.15,0) -- ++(0,1.4);     
\draw[->] (1.15,1.95) -- (1.15,6) -- (3.5,10.5)node [above]{Beta};   

%<------------------- End  rays Beta  ------------------------------>    

%<-------------------  rays Alpha  ------------------------------>    
\draw (0.9,0) -- ++(0,1.5)
      (0.9,1.8) -- (0.9,6) to (-.5,5.8) coordinate (d);   
\draw[->,lightgray] (d) -- (-3,5.5) coordinate (d) ;

\draw (0.8,0) -- ++(0,1.45)
      (0.8,1.8) -- (0.8,5.7) to (-.5,5.6) ;   
\draw[->,lightgray] (-.5,5.6) -- (-3,5.3); 

\draw (0.85,0) -- ++(0,1.45)     
      (0.85,1.8) -- (0.85,5.5) to (-.5,5.4) ;
\draw[->,lightgray] (-.5,5.4) -- (-2.5,5.2);  

%<--------------------------- face right  magnet 2 --------------------> 
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=2]
  \path[facestyle,opacity=.8] (5,-4) rectangle (7,-0.5); 
%<---------------------------rays of magnets  ------------------------>
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=2]
  \path[facestyle] (5,4) rectangle (7,7);
  \draw[black] (7,  -0.5) -- (7,  4)
               (5,  -0.5) -- (5,  4)
               (6,  -0.5) -- (6,  4)
               (5.5,-0.5) -- (5.5,4)
               (6.5,-0.5) -- (6.5,4) 
               (7.45,-.05)-- (7.45,4.45)
               (7.9,.35)  -- (7.9,4.85)
               (8.35,0.75) node[above right=1cm]{\textcolor{black!50}{NORTH}}%
            -- (8.35,5.25) node[below left=1cm]{\textcolor{black!50}{SOUTH}}
               (8.8,1.15) -- (8.8,5.65); 
  \node[black,right] at (d)  {Alpha};



