以上 n 个引用已损坏

以上 n 个引用已损坏

编辑:从我的 aglc2.cbx 文件中添加了完整的引用宏。
编辑:按照 domwass 的建议添加了 cite:save 宏
更新:我想我现在已经解决了这个问题。关键是按照 @domwass 的建议创建一个cite:save宏。更新后的代码如下

嗨,我认为这是一个新手问题。在我的 biblatexcite宏中,我有以下代码:


            % citeibid is true and this citation has been seen on this page previously
            % and citation is in a footnote
        } {%else
            % either citeibid is false or this is the first time the citation appears
            % on this page
                % If the entry is a jurisdiction or legislation or legal
                % or if the citation has not been seen before
                % ie: this is how to print a first citation.  Legislation, legal and
                % jurisdictions are always printed as though they were a first citation.
            } {% else
                % Must be something else or a subsequent citation
                                   above n\addnbspace%
        } {%
            % shorthand field is defined
} {%
    % citation has not been seen before

因此,当脚注打印为 ...'above n xx' 时,xx 是页码。我如何将其设置为脚注编号?


在引用条目的第一个引用之前,您必须保存信息。为此,您可以创建一个 bibmacro:


然后,您必须在 cite-bibmacro 中调用这个 bibmacro,在测试的第二个强制参数中\ifciteseen(因此,仅当该条目第一次被引用时):




因此,您发布的 bibmacro 可以进行如下修改(我尚未测试过!):


            % citeibid is true and this citation has been seen on this page previously
            % and citation is in a footnote
        } {%else
            % either citeibid is false or this is the first time the citation appears
            % on this page
                % If the entry is a jurisdiction or legislation or legal
                % or if the citation has not been seen before
                % ie: this is how to print a first citation.  Legislation, legal and
                % jurisdictions are always printed as though they were a first citation.
            } {% else
                % Must be something else or a subsequent citation
        } {%
            % shorthand field is defined
} {%
    % citation has not been seen before

但请注意,这只有当每个引用都在脚注中时才有效。如果您也在文本中引用,并且条目的第一个引用在文本中而不是在脚注中,则引用将不起作用。这就是为什么 biblatex 的样式verbose-note区分脚注中的引用和文本中的引用。因此,那里的代码稍微复杂一些。
