请帮我在 LateX 中运行此代码!

请帮我在 LateX 中运行此代码!
\begin{tabular}{| >{\centering}p{2.5cm}  | >{\centering}p{0.5cm}  | >{\centering}p{2.5cm} |>{\centering}p{2.5cm} |>{\centering}p{2.5cm} |>{\centering}p{2.5cm} |}
Abc & Bcd & A long cell with text that wraps around and is centered & long cell with text  & AAAlong cell with text that wraps around and is centered & SSSlong cell with text that wraps around and is centered \\
1 & 3 & qw & qe & sad &11\\


\centering更改在s 和s\\内中断的定义。您需要在之后添加以更正此问题。如果您更频繁地需要它,您还应该定义一种新的列类型:tabluararray\arraybackslash


\begin{tabular}{| C{2.5cm} | C{0.5cm} | C{2.5cm} |C{2.5cm} |C{2.5cm} |C{2.5cm} |}
Abc & Bcd & A long cell with text that wraps around and is centered & long cell with text  & AAAlong cell with text that wraps around and is centered & SSSlong cell with text that wraps around and is centered \\
1 & 3 & qw & qe & sad &11\\

