为 PGFplots 定义分段函数

为 PGFplots 定义分段函数

我想定义一个分段函数q(x),并尝试将解决方案调整为关于使用 pgfmathdeclarefunction 创建单位脉冲函数的这个问题,这样就没问题了。但是,当我尝试绘制时q(x+4)+0.5,得到的图形并不是我所期望的。但是,对上述链接中的单位脉冲函数应用相同的变换就可以了。


下面的 MWE 产生以下结果。




    1 & 0 < x < 1\\
    0 & \text{otherwise}
    x & 0 < x < 1\\
    0 & \text{otherwise}


  \pgfmathparse{(and(#1>0, #1<1))}%

  \pgfmathparse{(and(#1>0, #1<1)*x)}%

\tikzstyle{MyStyle}=[domain=-5:5, samples=50, ultra thick]
\tikzstyle{pLabelStyle}=[above, yshift=22ex, xshift=-10ex]
\tikzstyle{qLabelStyle}=[below, yshift=-2ex, xshift=-10ex]
\tikzstyle{ShiftedLabelStyle}=[above left, xshift=1ex]

%------------------ Using \pgfmathdeclarefunction -----------
Plot of $p(x)$ and \pShiftedLabel using PGF Version \pgfversion, followed by a plot of $q(x)$ and \qShiftedLabel

    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{p(x)} node [pLabelStyle] {\pLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{p(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\pShiftedLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{q(x)} node [qLabelStyle] {\qLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{q(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\qShiftedLabel};

% --------------------- Using "declare function" -------------
Using declare function to define localp(x) and localq(x):

[declare function={localp(\t) =  and(\t > 0, \t < 1);}]
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{localp(x)}  node [pLabelStyle] {\pLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{localp(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\pShiftedLabel};
[declare function={localq(\t) = (and(\t > 0, \t < 1)*x);}]
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{localq(x)} node [qLabelStyle] {\qLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{localq(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\qShiftedLabel};



  \pgfmathparse{(and(#1>0, #1<1)*#1)}%

而不是and(#1>0, #1<1)*x),并且

[declare function={localq(\t) = (and(\t > 0, \t < 1)*\t);}]

而不是[declare function={localq(\t) = (and(\t > 0, \t < 1)*x);}],因为您实际上并不希望函数值为x,而是参数的值(x+4在本例中)。


    1 & 0 < x < 1\\
    0 & \text{otherwise}
    x & 0 < x < 1\\
    0 & \text{otherwise}


  \pgfmathparse{(and(#1>0, #1<1))}%

  \pgfmathparse{(and(#1>0, #1<1)*#1)}%

\tikzstyle{MyStyle}=[domain=-5:5, samples=100, ultra thick]
\tikzstyle{pLabelStyle}=[above, yshift=22ex, xshift=-10ex]
\tikzstyle{qLabelStyle}=[below, yshift=-2ex, xshift=-10ex]
\tikzstyle{ShiftedLabelStyle}=[above left, xshift=1ex]

%------------------ Using \pgfmathdeclarefunction -----------
Plot of $p(x)$ and \pShiftedLabel using PGF Version \pgfversion, followed by a plot of $q(x)$ and \qShiftedLabel

    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{p(x)} node [pLabelStyle] {\pLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{p(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\pShiftedLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{q(x)} node [qLabelStyle] {\qLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{q(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\qShiftedLabel};

% --------------------- Using "declare function" -------------
Using declare function to define localp(x) and localq(x):

[declare function={localp(\t) =  and(\t > 0, \t < 1);}]
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{localp(x)}  node [pLabelStyle] {\pLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{localp(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\pShiftedLabel};
[declare function={localq(\t) = (and(\t > 0, \t < 1)*\t);}]
    \addplot[MyStyle, blue]{localq(x)} node [qLabelStyle] {\qLabel};
    \addplot[MyStyle, red]{localq(x+4)+0.5} node [ShiftedLabelStyle] {\qShiftedLabel};

分段 pgfplots 函数
