

我的表格对于页面来说稍微有点太宽了。它包含表格注释\tnote{},这些注释使我的表格太宽了。现在,我从几个一起用于使复杂表格工作的软件包之一的文档中回忆起,其中一位作者添加了一个开关,以便将索引推入列间距。我知道我可以手动输入!{}@{}键入说明符来尝试解决问题,但我认为有某种自动功能可以做到这一点。我正在使用这些与表格相关的软件包:siunitx, dcolumn, array, threeparttable, multirow, longtable, booktabs并尝试在文档中找到该选项,但失败了。




\usepackage[output-complex-root=\text{\ensuremath{i}}  % Says that I want italic maths i to signify imaginary components.
            ,load-configurations=abbreviations         % Enables many abbreviations like \eV, however this has separate scope to doc wide macros.
            ,detect-weight                             % Detect the weighting (bold) of surrounding text.
            ,range-units=single                        % Can specify a range like 1 to 2eV or 1eV to 2eV. \SIrange{1}{2}{\eV}
            ,list-units=single                         % Same as range-units only for list. \SIlist{1;2;3;4}{\eV}
            ,table-alignment=center                    % Sets -number- -text- -unit- alignment to center unless superceeded in \sisetup{}. 
                                                       % If not set, then numbers centered on radix. if set, must specify format for correct placement
            ,group-digits=false                        % separates digits into blocks of three (can change other settings to make it comma separated.
            ]{siunitx} % for proper typesetting of units, still under development as best as i can tell... I'm scared \si{} \SI{}{}


        \begin{tabular}{c c c c}
           things              & more things              & bumbily boo              & Numbers \\
           1.23412435\tnote{a} & 123543124513452\tnote{b} & dogCatWolfSheep\tnote{c} & -2.1214153124\tnote{d} \\



在生成上述示例时,我意识到该\tnote命令是三部分表包的一部分。我想要的命令是\TPTrlap放在threeparttable环境的可选参数中。来自手册:A command with one argument, to make notes go out of the column, into the column separation (for right-aligning)

进一步回答这个问题。我发现默认情况下会将列间距threeparttable\tnote{}到列间距,在 siunitx S 列的情况下也会这样做。只需在参数中不提及表格注释的大小,table-align-text-post={a}这将为非数字数据添加空间。它将允许注释进入列间距而不会产生 hbox 过满错误。
