如何在 SLE 上安装/升级 svn?

如何在 SLE 上安装/升级 svn?

我的 SUSE (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)) 安装了旧的 svn。我想升级它,但如果我下载 SLE 11 的软件包并尝试安装它,via zypper install subversion-1.7.5-83.1.x86_64.rpm我得到

Problem: nothing provides libserf-1.so.0 needed by subversion-1.7.5-83.1.i586
 Solution 1: do not ask to install a solvable providing subversion = 0:1.7.5-83.1
 Solution 2: break subversion by ignoring some of its dependencies

是否可以选择 1 或 2,或者取消安装过程并以不同的方式进行?



zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:tools:scm:svn/SLE_11/devel:tools:scm:svn.repo
zypper refresh
zypper install subversion



libserf 或 libneon(客户端可选)

     The Serf and Neon libraries both allow the Subversion client
     to send HTTP requests.  This is necessary if you want your
     client to access a repository served by the Apache HTTP
     server.  There is an alternate 'svnserve' server as well,
     though, and clients automatically know how to speak the
     svnserve protocol.  Thus it's not strictly necessary for your
     client to be able to speak HTTP... though we still recommend
     that your client be built to speak both HTTP and svnserve
     protocols.  Your client can be compiled against either
     libserf or libneon (or both), as they offer competing

我不相信 SLES 存在安装这些库的二进制文件,因此您需要从源代码下载并编译 serf(和/或 neon)。

之后,请务必ldconfig在再次尝试安装 SVN 之前运行,以便可以看到新安装的农奴库。
